A server MAY use this problem type when responding to a request, whose integrity or integrity preference fields reference a hashing algorithm that the server can not or does not want to support for this request, and if the server wants to indicate this problem to the sender.
If Want-Content-Digest or Want-Repr-Digest are used in a response, it indicates that the server would like the client to provide the respective Integrity field on future requests.
The Want- headers are a preference list of algorithms, It seems like Supported-algorthms duplicates the capability, which is not ideal. The unsupported-algorithm field is still usefule, since it might not be clear what algorithm specificall failed (imagine a request that contained multiple integrity fields with different algorithms and the application mandated that all of them must validate).
You say
From https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc9530.html#want-fields
The Want- headers are a preference list of algorithms, It seems like Supported-algorthms duplicates the capability, which is not ideal. The unsupported-algorithm field is still usefule, since it might not be clear what algorithm specificall failed (imagine a request that contained multiple integrity fields with different algorithms and the application mandated that all of them must validate).