tutao / tutanota

Tuta is an email service with a strong focus on security and privacy that lets you encrypt emails, contacts and calendar entries on all your devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Integrate letsencrypt for whitelabel domains #252

Closed mpfau closed 5 years ago

mpfau commented 6 years ago

Automatic certificate retrieval via letsencrypt.

RealDrGordonFreeman commented 5 years ago

Let's Encrypt board members have links to the US security services. Let's Encrypt certificates are also being abused for phishing campaigns specifically focusing on mail clients and servers. It is not advisable to further involve Let's Encrypt in the operations of Tutamail. Tutamail should use a German/European Root Certification Authority.

More information posted to Reddit:


RealDrGordonFreeman commented 5 years ago

StackExchange post about Let's Encrypt: https://security.stackexchange.com/a/201736/196572

One of the answers from the post:

And they do post (some) stats about these requests: ISRG Legal Transparency Reports

Other related links on https://community.letsencrypt.org:

Details on the two US Subpoenas received According to mcclatchydc.com Let’s Encrypt revoked and banned USAReally.com Certificates for US sanctioned countries Let’s Encrypt and U.S. laws

charlag commented 5 years ago



Anyway, this is not the right place for discussion and we strongly ask you to not continue discussion here but I still found this useful to provide this information for the future.

RealDrGordonFreeman commented 5 years ago

Okay, thank you. However, the Tutanota reddit forum has become a toxic place for discussion. It is also mostly filled with Americans. I am not the only person who has expressed this concern. Where else to discuss these issues? Is it possible to create a suitable discussion forum here on GitHub? I would have suggested creating a Tutanota site on StackExchange, but they only do Q & A.

mpfau commented 5 years ago

fixed with https://github.com/tutao/tutanota/commit/bacfb57234f74603ac2eb56733933dd46158eb5a

mpfau commented 5 years ago

wrong type is displayed for manual certificates. If you click on ok in this case, a new letsencrypt certificate is generated and stored. wrongType