tuzcsaba / schematic2blueprint

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Working Java file? #1

Open antofthy opened 7 years ago

antofthy commented 7 years ago

Can you provide a working Java JAR file of the code?

csabatuz commented 7 years ago

Hi antofthy,

If you have Maven installed, please do try mvn package The runnable JAR will be in the 'target' folder after this.

I'll create a Release and add the JARs there in case you can't build.

Please note that I am not really maintaining this, and it is not at all up-to-date as latest Minecraft versions go. If I happen to extend it further (which will happen if I need to open a schematic which has errors), I will share the code in this fork, but I don't have that on my near-future TODO list.

On the other hand, if you do extend the code, PRs are welcome.

Happy New Year,

csabatuz commented 7 years ago

Another thing: Please note, that Schematic2Blueprint has been Updated to Minecraft 1.9 by InostupidStreams http://double-helix.industries/applications/schematic2blueprint/

I expect that'll be much better than this duct-tape fix I did, so you might want to try that instead.

antofthy commented 7 years ago

Thanks csabatuz, Since my post I have created a video of using schematic2blueprint to build schematics on a Vanillia Survival Server. I have updated the video's text with the link to InostupidStreams version.

Ants 024 Survival Statue (using world edit and schematic2blueprint) https://youtu.be/XmuPnFV4Bcw

I tried InostupidStreams version against a schematic of an endship (part of my elytra launcher in a end ship video), and it understood purpur blocks, but not end rods (displays '?') or dragon heads (displays air).

Akhlys commented 4 years ago

Heh. I never actually discovered this until now. Original dev here. Thanks for your work, as my lazy non-MC-playing-butt couldn't be bothered, but it seems you fell to the same fate I did back then :) I actually thought I made a bitbucket for it, found this while looking for my project without realizing that I actually made a private git server for it and forgot about it.