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MIT License
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License code in documentation under the MIT-0 license #39250

Open SanjoSolutions opened 1 year ago

SanjoSolutions commented 1 year ago



License code in the documentation under the MIT-0 license.

Motivation and context

The term "substantial" seems ambiguous to me. By licensing the code in the documentation under the MIT-0 license, it's always fine to copy any amount of code without requiring to include the copyright notice and permission notice in "substantial" portions. This removes the necessity to discern if the copied code is a substantial and non-substantial portion.

SanjoSolutions commented 1 year ago

When I wrote the initial post it seemed to me that the code in the documentation is licensed under the MIT license (because it's code). But that the intention was that it is licensed under the CC BY 3.0 (because it's in the documentation) seems also possible to me now. ;-)

Also, I have noticed that the MIT license text also covers the documentation.