tweecode / twine

UI for creating hypertext stories
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Need a WYSIWYG editor interface fro the Passage editor (with supplementary code view) #37

Open Philip-Sutton opened 12 years ago

Philip-Sutton commented 12 years ago

I'm using Twine now for a large percentage of my normal work. What I'm finding is that it gets very tiring and time wasting to have to use the browser as the way to check whether the text in the passsage editor is correct ie. reading 'through' a lot of html code is tiring and the checking is timewasting. So it would be great to do a major upgrade of the passage editor to allow people to do word processor style formatting and to have a supplementary view that shows the code (as is standard practice for most web page editors).

In addition it would be good to change the way the coding works so that html coding is the norm or foundation and the special Twine coding can be read from within the html coding. For example, the user might draw up a table on the WYSIWYG screen and passage links could be created within the table cells. When the user switches to the code view they would see Twine code (links, macros etc.) inside html coding.

Maybe the solution is to integrate something like CKEditor into Twine - with modifications to allow Twine specific coding as well). See: You can do online editing in the demo. The key issue here is that CKEditor is meant to be used through a web browser - if we decided to port the whole Twine user iinerface onto a web browser platform then CKEdit would be a good option.

Or perhaps Kompzer?

Seems like there are a few options around.

HarmlessTrouble commented 12 years ago

"- if we decided to port the whole Twine user interface onto a web browser platform then CKEdit would be a good option."

The reasons for doing this are compelling, mainly platform agnosticism, has this been seriously considered? This would be a great next step after the "maintenance release".

Philip-Sutton commented 12 years ago


has this been seriously considered?

I think you are the first person to respond to my suggestion! :)

This would be a great next step after the "maintenance release".

I'm really not sure what we should do next. Our coding resources are stretched pretty thin and there's a lot that could be done to de-bug/polish Twine/Twee as well as more fundamentally rebuilding the basic platform.

I think we need to develop a shared intergrated development plan.

Cheers, Philip

klembot commented 12 years ago

Hi, just wanted to note I have repeatedly toyed with the idea of a web-based UI. The problem is there isn't a good way to save data locally via JavaScript (so far as I know...) and then you have to sweat a gorjillion browser compatibility issues in general. I had been looking at Adobe AIR recently, as it lets you build an app in HTML/JS but has hooks for local file access as well, but I hadn't gotten very far with it and going this route would likely cut out Linux users.

HarmlessTrouble commented 12 years ago

I agree that file generating solutions out there appear to be scattered. HTML5 may give this prospect a ray of hope. but as you pointed out it will take testing testing testing..

HarmlessTrouble commented 10 years ago

Does Stormerose's Autobuild feature satisfy this feature request?

NoisyText commented 9 years ago

I realize that this thread is very old, but... I've trying to better understand the single page application model and Twine is just one of several things I've looked at.

When I read the original post (above) I immediately thought of two TiddlyWiki projects I have been looking at the last few days:

Perhaps either of these could offer a model or even code that could be helpful to improving Twine's author's interface.

Hope this helps :)

mandrasch commented 8 years ago

Hey! Just stumbled upon this: HTML5 is here in 2015! Yeah. :grinning: Is there any progress on WYSIWYG? I would find it very useful - especially for new storyformats which may rely on html5 content instead of custom markup or markdown-modifications?