twhetzel / github-issue-to-gsheet

A sample repo to test out how to add content from a github issue to a google sheet.
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Project Set-up

  1. Create a requirements.txt file with:

Run pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Create a GitHub Action Workflow. See issue_template_to_sheet.yml file in this repo under .github/workflows.

  2. Create a GitHub Personal Access Token to use with the Python script that will be used for the GitHub Action. Follow these steps:

    • Go to your GitHub profile settings at
    • Click "Generate new token."
    • Give the token a descriptive name and select the "repo" scope (or the minimum scope your workflow needs).
    • This is accessed as ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }} in the issue_template_to_sheet.yml file. Never commit this token to your repository or share it publicly.
  3. Create a Service Account Key file to use for credentials for Google Sheets. Follow these steps:

    • Go to the Google Cloud Platform console (
    • Create a new project or select an existing one.
    • Enable the Google Sheets API for your project.
    • Go to "IAM & Admin" -> "Service Accounts".
    • Click "Create Service Account" and choose a relevant name.
    • Grant the service account "Editor" or "Viewer" access to your desired Google Sheet (depending on your needs).
    • For the Service Account, click on Keys and then Add Key to create a new key. The key will automatically be downloaded to your local computer.
    • Download the JSON key file for the service account. Never share or commit this file publicly.

Store the JSON key file content as a secret named GOOGLE_SHEETS_CREDENTIALS in your GitHub repository's secret settings.

  1. Update other placeholders in Replace placeholders like Your_Spreadsheet_Name and repository name with your actual values. Securely store tokens and credentials as environment variables in your GitHub repository.

  2. Make sure the Google Sheet is also shared with the Google Service Account email address, e.g.
