twilio / twilio-chat-js-cordova-example

Cordova app example for Twilio Programmable Chat with working iOS and Android push messages
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This repository contains an example Cordova app with Twilio Programmable Chat client usage. App is running on both iOS and Android (full functionality with FCM and APN pushes including).

Chat functionality

Twilio Programmable Chat functionality achieved using cordova-plugin-twilio-chat plugin. Additionally in this project there is chat-client-helper.js, which subscribes to all events which Chat library emits, logs it in console and shows on screen once user is logged in.


You will have to create the FCM and APN credentials and certificates by yourself and pass it respectively in iOS and Android projects (through xcode in the iOS project and through google-services.json for Android).

You will need to create credentials in the Twilio Console with created certificates and app identifiers and store it in configuration.json file.

For getting push registration id on the iOS/Android device this example uses phonegap-plugin-push. Due to this plugin nature it wraps push message to it's own interface and to be able to process the received push in the Chat lib, in this example we are re-building raw notification from PhoneGap's push in the phonegap-push-reparser.js.

Keep in mind, that to send pushes you have to turn on the push features for your service instance via Twilio Console

Token provider

Token is provided by locally running express.js app. The app uses ngrok to expose the token provider to the internet - be careful with exposing your actual credentials and secrets to the internet.

Configuration for token provider is stored in the configuration.json file. The example with correct structure can be learned from configuration.example.json:

Token provider runs on port 3002 on localhost and is exposed to the internet with ngrok help.

Token provider has multiple exposed endpoints:

Additionally, ngrok exposes it's own status and inspect endpoint at http://localhost:4040

Creating your own sample Cordova application with Twilio Chat

Create new project

Create new Cordova project with help of cli: cordova create <project-path> <id> <display-name>.

This repository project was made with this command: cordova create twilio-chat-js-cordova-example TwilioChatJsCordova

Add necessary Cordova plugins to the project:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-twilio-chat --save
cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --save
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist --save

Local Token Provider setup

  1. install required node.js modules: npm install --save-dev body-parser cors express ngrok twilio
  2. create configuration.json file in the root folder of the project and fill it with your data (here is the sample configuration.example.json)
  3. copy files from this repository: app.js and token-provider.js to your project root
  4. add following section to your project's package.json:
    "scripts": {
    "tokenProvider": "node app.js"

Add Cordova project files to your project

recursively copy www folder from this repository to your project

Android setup

  1. add Android platform to your project: cordova platform add android
  2. get your google-services.json from Firebase Console and put to the root of project
  3. add <resource-file src="" target="google-services.json" /> to the config.xml inside <platform name="android">...</platform> section.
  4. try to build your Android project with cordova build android

iOS setup

  1. add iOS platform to your project: cordova platform add ios
  2. do the pod install inside platform/ios/ folder
  3. open <your-project-name>.xcworkspace file with XCode:
    • add signing profile (we recommend to use automatic signing) to your project
    • enable Push in Capabilities section
  4. try to build your iOS project with cordova build ios

Running the app

  1. do the npm install to install all necessary packages
  2. start the Token Provider with npm run tokenProvider and remember the ngrok url printed in the console.
  3. launch the app on Android (cordova run android) or iOS (through XCode or with cordova run ios)
  4. in the login view of the app enter username and token provider host (the ngrok url you've remembered earlier) and press Login button
  5. for iOS see the TODO section