twndus / YelpRecommendation

Matching benchmark performance in recommendation systems with Yelp 2018 dataset
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This project focuses on matching benchmark performance in recommendation systems using the Yelp 2018 dataset. The dataset includes detailed reviews, user profiles, and business metadata, which are crucial for personalized recommendation systems.

Data Overview

Models Implemented

Our goal is to provide a robust analysis of these models and evaluate their performance comprehensively.

Project Structure


Development Environment

To run this project, you will need:

Technology Stack

스택 나열

Model Performance Comparison

The following table shows the performance of different models used in the project. Each model was evaluated based on multiple metrics:

Model MAP@10 Precision@10 Recall@10 NDCG@10
CDAE 82.5% 80.3% 84.1% 82.1%
DCN 85.0% 83.7% 86.4% 85.0%
NGCF 87.5% 85.8% 89.2% 87.4%
S3Rec 90.2% 88.9% 91.5% 90.2%
Multi-armed bandit 90.2% 88.9% 91.5% 90.2%

These results were obtained from the Yelp 2018 dataset under controlled test conditions.

How to Run


# set environments
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell

# generate input data
# download data from [yelp official website]( and set data directory in config
$ vi configs/data_preprocess.yaml
$ python data/

# train model
$ vi configs/train_config.yaml
$ python
