twohoursonelife / junior

Non-C Junior: A Discord bot automating the lifes work of MVP community member Non Creative Guy.
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


Non-C Junior: Automating the life's work of MVP community member Non Creative Guy. Supplies helpful information and guides to players upon a phrase in the Discord, amongst other helpful things

Always check the Dockerfile for the current version of Node this project is developed against.

How to deploy and release a new version

Necessary Environment Variables

For running the bot

When DEV_TOKEN is set, PROD_TOKEN will not be checked to prevent deploying dev commands to prod accidentally. Default hardcoded dev CLIENT and GUILD ID's will be used; If only PROD_TOKEN is set, it will be expected the ID variables are also set.

For deploying commands

Command cheat sheet

Build Docker container, leave pushing to the workflow for proper tagging docker build . --tag

Run latest dev image docker run --detach --env DEV_TOKEN=thetoken

Deploy commands GUILDID and CLIENTID defaults to dev token if unset

export GUILDID=
export CLIENTID=
node deploy-commands.js

Update packages npm update

Better way to update packages (Will tell you about any new versions, including major) npx npm-check-updates provide -u for the program to update them itself