twohoursonelife / twotech

Automated Crafting Guide for Two Hours One Life
MIT License
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Inaccurate natural object spawn chances #75

Open connorhsm opened 3 weeks ago

connorhsm commented 3 weeks ago

Currently, Rock and Seal show equal spawn chance rarity of the highest level, "Very Rare".

Their mapChance values are:

Each object has a mapChance value as well as optionally a list of biomes it can spawn in with the spawnChance of that biome.

This rock is intended to be an outlier, but it's clear the grouping needs a tweak. This level of difference in the user experience equates to finding many seals nearby, but potentially not finding a rock after hours.

It should be considered to review the current scale of probabilities and how we can expand the groupings to account for changes over time. We could also consider a fixed number of buckets which all objects are spread into roughly equally, similar to object crafting difficulty.