twrecked / pyaarlo

Asynchronous Arlo Component for Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
50 stars 33 forks source link
arlo automation cameras doorbells iot netgear python


Alpha Build

Welcome to the Pyaarlo alpha build. I'm using the 0.8.x stream to split pyaarlo out from hass-aarlo. This is partly motivated by thinking about getting hass-aarlo back into Home Assistant and partly motivated by my desire to stop having to commit bug fixes in 2 places.

Breaking Changes

Cached Session

The code will now save the session details and reuse the authentication token when possible. This can drastically reduce the number of authentication requests the code will make (and 2FA requests if needed). If this doesn't work for you pass save_session=False as a parameter to PyArlo().

Table of Contents


Pyaarlo is a module for Python that provides asynchronous access to Netgear Arlo cameras.

When you start Pyaarlo, it starts a background thread that opens a single, persistent connection, an event stream, to the Arlo servers. As things happen to the Arlo devices - motion detected, battery level changes, mode changes, etc... - the Arlo servers post these events onto the event stream. The background thread reads these events from the stream, updates Pyaarlo's internal state and calls any user registered callbacks.

Differences from Pyarlo

The biggest difference is Pyaarlo defaults to asynchronous mode by default. The following code brought from Pyarlo might not work:

base.mode = 'armed'
if base.mode == 'armed':
    print('it worked!')

This is because between setting mode and reading mode the code has to:

I say "might" not work because it might work, it all depends on timing, and context switches and network speed...

To enable synchronous mode you need to specify it when starting PyArlo.

# login, use console for 2FA if needed
arlo = pyaarlo.PyArlo( username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,


Many thanks to:


Proper PIP support is coming but for now, this will install the latest version.

pip install git+


You can read the developer documentation here:

The following example will login to your Arlo system, use 2FA if needed, register callbacks for all events on all base stations and cameras and then wait 10 minutes printing out any events that arrive during that time.

# code to trap when attributes change
def attribute_changed(device, attr, value):
    print('attribute_changed', time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), + ':' + attr + ':' + str(value)[:80])

# login, use console for 2FA if needed
arlo = pyaarlo.PyArlo( username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,

# get base stations, list their statuses, register state change callbacks
for base in arlo.base_stations:
    print("base: name={},device_id={},state={}".format(,base.device_id,base.state))
    base.add_attr_callback('*', attribute_changed)

# get cameras, list their statuses, register state change callbacks
# * is any callback, you can use motionDetected just to get motion events
for camera in arlo.cameras:
    print("camera: name={},device_id={},state={}".format(,camera.device_id,camera.state))
    camera.add_attr_callback('*', attribute_changed)

# disarm then arm the first base station
base = arlo.base_stations[0]
base.mode = 'disarmed'
base.mode = 'armed'

# wait 10 minutes, try moving in front of a camera to see motionDetected events

As mentioned, it uses the Pyarlo API where possible so the following code from the original Usage will still work:

# login, use console for 2FA if needed, turn on synchronous_mode for maximum compatibility
arlo = pyaarlo.PyArlo( username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,

# listing devices

# listing base stations

# get base station handle
# assuming only 1 base station is available
base = arlo.base_stations[0]

# get the current base station mode
base.mode  # 'disarmed'

# listing Arlo modes
base.available_modes # ['armed', 'disarmed', 'schedule', 'custom']

# Updating the base station mode
base.mode = 'custom'

# listing all cameras

# showing camera preferences
cam = arlo.cameras[0]

# check if camera is connected to base station
cam.is_camera_connected  # True

# printing camera attributes

# get brightness value of camera

User Agent

The user_agent option will control what kind of stream Arlo sends to you. The options are:

Saving Media

If you use the save_media_to parameter to specify a file naming scheme praarlo will use that to save all media - videos and snapshots - locally. You can use the following substitutions:

You specify the substitution by prefixing it with a $ in the format string. You can optionally use curly brackets to remove any ambiguity. For example, the following configuration will save all media under /config/media organised by serial number then date. The code will add the correct file extension.

  save_media_to: "/config/media/${SN}/${Y}/${m}/${d}/${T}"

The first time you configure save_media_to the system can take several minutes to download all the currently available media. The download is throttled to not overload Home Assistant or Arlo. Once the initial download is completed updates should happen a lot faster.

The code doesn't provide any management of the downloads, it will keep downloading them until your device is full. It also doesn't provide a NAS interface, you need to mount the NAS device and point save_media_to at it.


Pyaarlo supports 2 factor authentication.


Start PyArlo specifying tfa_source as console. Whenever PyArlo needs a secondary code it will prompt you for it.

ar = pyaarlo.PyArlo(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD,
                    tfa_source='console', tfa_type='SMS')


I recommend using IMAP, it's well tested now and it works. The other methods haven't been tested or looked at in a while.

Automatic is trickier. Support is there but needs testing. For automatic 2FA PyArlo needs to access and your email account form where it reads the token Arlo sent.

ar = pyaarlo.PyArlo(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD,
                    tfa_password='your-imap-password' )

If you have multiple e-mail addresses associated with Arlo, you might also try configuring tfa_nickname to ensure that the correct factor is triggered:

ar = pyaarlo.PyArlo(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD,
                    tfa_nickname='' )

It's working well with my gmail account, see here for help setting up single app passwords. If needed, you can specify a port by appending it to the host.

ar = pyaarlo.PyArlo(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD,
                    tfa_password='your-imap-password' )

Pyaarlo Executable

The pip installation adds an executable pyaarlo. You can use this to list devices, perform certain simple actions and anonymize and encrypt logs for debugging purposes. Device operations are currently limited...

The git installation has bin/pyaarlo which functions in a similar manner.

# To show the currently available actions:
pyaarlo --help

# To list all the known devices:
pyaarlo -u 'your-user-name' -p 'your-password' list all

# this version will anonymize the output
pyaarlo -u 'your-user-name' -p 'your-password' --anonymize list all

# this version will anonymize and encrypt the output
pyaarlo -u 'your-user-name' -p 'your-password' --anonymize --encrypt list all

Error Reporting

When reporting errors please include the version of Pyaarlo you are using and what Arlo devices you have. Please turn on DEBUG level logging, capture the output and include as much information as possible about what you were trying to do.

You can use the pyaarlo executable to anonymize and encrypt feature on arbitrary data like log files or source code. If you are only encrypting you don't need your username and password.

# encrypt an existing file
cat output-file | pyaarlo encrypt

# anonymize and then encrypt a file
cat output-file | pyaarlo -u 'your-user-name' -p 'your-password' anonymize | pyaarlo encrypt

If you installed from git you can use a shell script in bin/ to encrypt your logs. No anonymizing is possible this way.

# encrypt an existing file
cat output-file | ./bin/pyaarlo-encrypt encrypt

pyaarlo-encrypt is a fancy wrapper around:

curl -s -F 'plain_text_file=@-;filename=clear.txt'

You can also encrypt your output on this webpage.


The component uses the Arlo webapi.

If you do find the component locks up after a while (I've seen reports of hours, days or weeks), you can add the following to the main configuration. Start from the top and work down:

Alro will allow shared accounts to give cameras their own name. If you find cameras appearing with unexpected names (or not appearing at all), log into the Arlo web interface with your Home Assistant account and make sure the camera names are correct.

You can change the brightness on the light but not while it's turned on. You need to turn it off and back on again for the change to take. This is how the web interface does it.

Other 2 Factor Authentication

I recommend using IMAP, it's well tested now and it works. These following methods haven't been tested or looked at in a while.

Rest API

This mechanism allows you to an external website. When you start authenticating Pyarlo makes a clear request and repeated look-up requests to a website to retrieve your TFA code. The format of these requests and their responses are well defined but the host Pyarlo uses is configurable.

ar = pyaarlo.PyArlo(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD,
                    tfa_password='1234567890' )

Pyaarlo doesn't care how you get the codes into the system only that they are there. Feel free to roll your own server or...

Using My Server

I have a website running at that can provide this service. It's provided as-is, it's running as a Google app so it should be pretty reliable and the only information I have access to is your email address, access token for my website and whatever your last code was. (Note: if you're not planning on using email forwarding the email value isn't strictly enforced, a unique ID is sufficient.)

If you don't trust me and my server - and I won't be offended - you can get the source from here and set up your own.

To use the REST API with my website do the following:

You can replace code with msg and the server will try and parse the code out value of msg, use it for picking apart SMS messages.


You have your server set up or are using mine, one way to send codes is to use IFTTT to forward SMS messages to the server. I have an Android phone so use the New SMS received from phone number trigger and match to the Arlo number sending me SMS codes. (I couldn't get the match message to work, maybe somebody else will have better luck.)

I pair this with Make a web request action to forward the SMS code into my server, I use the following recipe. Modify the email and token as necessary.

Method: GET
Content Type: text/plain

Make sure to configure Pyaarlo to request a token over SMS with tfa_type='SMS. Now, when you login in, Arlo will send an SMS to your phone, the IFTTT app will forward this to the server and Pyaarlo will read it from the server.


If you run your own postfix server you can use this script to set up an email forwarding alias. Use an alias like this:

pyaarlo:  "|/home/test/bin/pyaarlo-fwd"

Make sure to configure Pyaarlo to request a token over SMS with tfa_type='EMAIL. Then set up your email service to forward Arlo code message to your email forwarding alias.