typesense / firestore-typesense-search

Firebase Extension to automatically push Firestore documents to Typesense for full-text search with typo tolerance, faceting, and more
Apache License 2.0
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Function Names Generated by Typesense Extensions Are Too Long, Causing Setup Issues in Firebase Locally #64

Closed ZakirBangash closed 4 months ago

ZakirBangash commented 7 months ago


When setting up Firebase Extensions locally, I've encountered a problem related to the length of function names generated by Typesense Extensions. Specifically, the generated functions are named "indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite" and "backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore," and these names exceed the allowable length, causing issues during the local setup process.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Attempt to set up Firebase Extensions locally using the Typesense Extensions.
  2. Observe that the function names "indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite" and "backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore" exceed the character limit. Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 3 52 39 PM

Expected Behavior

I suggest that Firebase Extensions generated function names adhere to Firebase's function naming constraints, ensuring they are within the allowable character limit.

I would greatly appreciate it if this issue could be addressed as it's currently impeding the local development and deployment of Firebase Extensions using Typesense.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Typesense Version: typesense/firestore-typesense-search@1.1.0

jasonbosco commented 7 months ago

Hmm, that seems new. I just tried this last week and it seems to work fine for me...

Could you make sure you're using the latest version of firebase-tools?

If you are, could you share the exact command you're using to start the emulator, so I can try replicating it?

jasonbosco commented 4 months ago

I haven't been able to replicate this, but I've still pushed out an update where the function names are shortened in 1.4.0-rc.0.

Could you install this pre-release version using this installation link and let me know if you still see this issue?

Ihatetomatoes commented 4 months ago

Thanks @jasonbosco, I had the same issue, but when I change the extension to 1.4.0-rc.0, I was able to start the emulator without any issues.

jasonbosco commented 4 months ago

Thank you for confirming @Ihatetomatoes!

Just submitted v1.4.0 to the Firebase extension hub for review.