typhon-project / typhonql

Typhon Query Language
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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[BUG] Problem with join between entities stored in different containers #118

Open meuriceloup opened 3 years ago

meuriceloup commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,

By testing random QL queries, I'm facing with strange errors: I would like to execute a join between two entities stored in different containers (one in MariaDB and the other one in MongoDB) but it returns an error...

This is my (reduced) schema:

entity "User" {
    "id" : string[32]
    "name" : string[32]
    "paymentsDetails" : string
    "comments" -> "Comment"[0..*]
    "address" -> "UserAddress"[0..1]

entity UserAddress {
    streetName: string[32]
    streetNumber: bigint
    zipcode: string[32]
    city: string[32]
    country: string[32]
    user -> "User"."User.address"[0..1]

relationaldb RelationalDatabase {
   tables {
      table {
        "User" : "User"

documentdb DocumentDatabase{
            UserAddress : UserAddress

This is my query:

from User u, UserAddress ua
select u.id
where u.address == ua

And this is the returned error:

typhonql-server_1           | REQ: from User u, UserAddress ua
typhonql-server_1           | select u.id
typhonql-server_1           | where u.address == ua
typhonql-server_1           | NORMALIZED: from User u, UserAddress ua select u.id where u.address == ua
typhonql-server_1           | ORDER: [<mongodb(),"DocumentDatabase">,<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">]
typhonql-server_1           | PLACEMENTS: {<<mongodb(),"DocumentDatabase">,"UserAddress">,<<mongodb(),"DocumentDatabase">,"User">,<<mongodb(),"DocumentDatabase">,"Comment">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Products">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Suppliers">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"CustomerDemographics">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Order_Details">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Shippers">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Region">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Customers">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Territories">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Categories">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Orders">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"Employees">}
typhonql-server_1           | Warning: calling function with extra unknown keyword argument: log
typhonql-server_1           | COMPILING2Mongo: from User u, UserAddress ua select u.id where u.address == ua
typhonql-server_1           | 16:31:21.201 [qtp402405659-12] ERROR engineering.swat.typhonql.server.QLRestServer - Failed to handle response
typhonql-server_1           | org.rascalmpl.interpreter.control_exceptions.Throw: |lib://typhonql/src/lang/typhonql/mongodb/Query2Mongo.rsc|:468,81: "Only dynamic parameters can be used as expressions in query docs, not ua.@id"
typhonql-server_1           |   at org.rascalmpl.interpreter.control_exceptions.ControlException.reallyFillInStackTrace(ControlException.java:42) ~[rascal-0.18.2.jar:?]
typhonql-server_1           |   at org.rascalmpl.interpreter.control_exceptions.Throw.fillInStackTrace(Throw.java:138) ~[rascal-0.18.2.jar:?]
typhonql-server_1           |   at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:266) ~[?:1.8.0_275]
typhonql-server_1           |   at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:66) ~[?:1.8.0_275]

Did I miss something? Thanks in advance

meuriceloup commented 3 years ago

In the meantime, I replaced the relationship [0..1] to [0..1] defined between User and UserAddress by a [1] to [1] relation. The error surprinsingly disappeared...

This problem is not blocking for me since I can slightly change the schema with 1 to 1 relation ;-)

tvdstorm commented 3 years ago

Excellent, I'll leave the issue open, but now we can narrow it down easier. Thanks.

tvdstorm commented 3 years ago

I did some digging, and cannot really reproduce. This is the log and compiled result (with the above TyphonML model), which looks ok:

REQ: from User u, UserAddress ua select u.@id where u.address == ua
NORMALIZED: from User u, UserAddress ua select u.@id where u.address == ua
ORDER: [<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,<mongodb(),"DocumentDatabase">]
PLACEMENTS: {<<mongodb(),"DocumentDatabase">,"UserAddress">,<<sql(),"RelationalDatabase">,"User">}
COMPILING2SQL: from User u, #ignored(UserAddress ua) select u.@id where #needed(u.address == ua)
COMPILING2Mongo: from #dynamic(User u), UserAddress ua select #done(u.@id) where u.address == ua
Script: script([
      sql(executeQuery("RelationalDatabase","select `u`.`User.@id` as `u.User.@id`, `junction_address$0`.`UserAddress.user` as `u.User.address` \nfrom `User` as `u` left outer join `User.address-UserAddress.user` as `junction_address$0` on (`junction_address$0`.`User.address`) = (`u`.`User.@id`)\n;")),
      mongo(find("DocumentDatabase","UserAddress","{\"_id\": \"${u_address_0}\"}","{\"_id\": 1}")),
tvdstorm commented 3 years ago

Btw, just noticed you use id and not @id in the query, but this doesn't change the behavior on my machine.