typhoon-hil / allure-docx

docx report generation based on allure-generated json files
MIT License
30 stars 14 forks source link

The html report generated by allure is not the same allure-docx generated document #25

Open shobha321 opened 4 years ago

shobha321 commented 4 years ago

performed below actions

  1. downloaded windows 10 allure-docx.exe
  2. from command prompt generated docx file by command "allure-docx ' .jsonfile dir' ' to "dirwheredocxfile"

The html report generated by command "allure generate "path" " is not same as docx file generated by "allure-docx " command

Attaching the input files "tempdata.zip"

attaching the allure html report "allure-report.zip"

attached "file1.docx" is the out put file of allure-docx command

Please help to generate pdf or docx file which is as same content as allure html report

allure-report.zip tempdata.zip file.docx

Sup3rGeo commented 4 years ago


I checked both reports and the input data and they are both representing the same thing, as expected.

Could you point out specifically what is different than you expected?