typst / hayagriva

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chicago-author-date style doesn't like non-numerical dates #184

Open mahmoudjalloh opened 1 week ago

mahmoudjalloh commented 1 week ago


If an article in the bibliography has "Forthcoming" as the date, I get the error "wrong number of digits".

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Enivex commented 6 days ago

This is typically something you put in the note field instead

mahmoudjalloh commented 6 days ago

Might be field dependent, but I don't think I'm unusual in doing this. Further, this works quite smoothly in my current zotero/bbt -> markdown/latex -> pandoc to pdf pipeline. Not going to redo my whole library to use typst. Here's a comment on the zotero forums that puts things well: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/313810#Comment_313810

More shortly: If there's no overriding reason to restrict that "date" entry then it shouldn't be done (and simply isn't done in comparable software).