tzsk / payu

Payu Laravel Payment Gateway with Payment Verification Package. Payment for Payu Biz & PayuMoney India with Laravel.
MIT License
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Enable Laravel8 #71

Closed uisumo closed 4 years ago

uisumo commented 4 years ago


I installed the package after install this package when I try to run:

php artisan config:cache

It is showing like this: image

I tried to remove the cache file in bootstrap, still the same error.

tzsk commented 4 years ago

@uisumo Thanks for posting a super clean and proper bug report. I'll try and patch it as soon as I can.

tzsk commented 4 years ago

@uisumo Just to understand a little more context, which Gateway are you using?

tzsk commented 4 years ago

@uisumo Patch released v5.0.1. Should be fixed now. Let me know if it's not.