u-blox / ubxlib

Portable C libraries which provide APIs to build applications with u-blox products and services. Delivered as add-on to existing microcontroller and RTOS SDKs.
Apache License 2.0
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In order to run the Arduino sample on platformio, ubxlib_test.h is included. Please distribute it. #270

Open Hokoshi opened 1 month ago

Hokoshi commented 1 month ago

The #include in port\platform\platformio\arduino\app.iso is missing.

Could you please include it?

sakrubx commented 1 month ago

Hi Hokoshi, Thank you for pointing it out. While I was checking it, it is present in the app.ino file here...

Hokoshi commented 1 month ago

Please show me the contents of the "ubxlib_test.h" file.

m-abubakar commented 1 month ago

Hi @Hokoshi Sorry about that, could you please try adding u_runner.h instead and see if this fixes the issue.

Thank you.

m-abubakar commented 1 month ago

Hi @Hokoshi , Following up on my previous comment, we have discontinued support for the pure Arduino platform(BREAKING CHANGE FOR ARDUINO PLATFORM: removal. (#1170)). However, you can still build ubxlib for Arduino using PlatformIO.

To build ubxlib with PlatformIO, add this line to your platformio.ini file lib_deps = https://github.com/u-blox/ubxlib

For detailed instructions, please see the documentation here.

Below is a an example code build for Arduino for MQTT with a cellular device.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ubxlib.h>
// put function declarations here:

// Bring in the application settings
#include "u_cfg_app_platform_specific.h"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

// MQTT broker URL: there is no port number on the end of this URL,
// and hence, conventionally, it does not include TLS security.  You
// may make a secure [D]TLS connection on broker.emqx.io instead
// by editing this code to add [D]TLS security (see below) and
// changing MY_BROKER_NAME to have ":8883" on the end.
#define MY_BROKER_NAME "ubxlib.com"

// Cellular configuration.
// Set U_CFG_TEST_CELL_MODULE_TYPE to your module type,
// chosen from the values in cell/api/u_cell_module_type.h
// just for an example we have selected the below one.

// Note that the pin numbers are those of the MCU: if you
// are using an MCU inside a u-blox module the IO pin numbering
// for the module is likely different to that of the MCU: check
// the data sheet for the module to determine the mapping.

// DEVICE i.e. module/chip configuration: in this case a cellular
// module connected via UART

static const uDeviceCfg_t gDeviceCfg = {
    .deviceType = U_DEVICE_TYPE_CELL,
    .deviceCfg = {
        .cfgCell = {
            .moduleType = U_CFG_TEST_CELL_MODULE_TYPE,
            .pSimPinCode = NULL, /* SIM pin */
            .pinEnablePower = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_ENABLE_POWER,
            .pinPwrOn = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_PWR_ON,
            .pinVInt = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_VINT,
            .pinDtrPowerSaving = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_DTR
    .transportType = U_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_TYPE_UART,
    .transportCfg = {
        .cfgUart = {
            .uart = U_CFG_APP_CELL_UART,
            .baudRate = U_CELL_UART_BAUD_RATE,
            .pinTxd = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_TXD,  // Use -1 if on Zephyr or Linux or Windows
            .pinRxd = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_RXD,  // Use -1 if on Zephyr or Linux or Windows
            .pinCts = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_CTS,  // Use -1 if on Zephyr
            .pinRts = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_RTS,  // Use -1 if on Zephyr
            .pPrefix = NULL

// NETWORK configuration for cellular
static const uNetworkCfgCell_t gNetworkCfg = {
    .type = U_NETWORK_TYPE_CELL,
    .pApn = NULL, /* APN: NULL to accept default.  If using a Thingstream SIM enter "tsiot" here */
    .timeoutSeconds = 240 /* Connection timeout in seconds */
    // There are six additional fields here which we do NOT set,
    // we allow the compiler to set them to 0 and all will be fine.
    // The fields are:
    // - "pKeepGoingCallback": you may set this field to a function
    //   of the form "bool keepGoingCallback(uDeviceHandle_t devHandle)",
    //   e.g.:
    //   .pKeepGoingCallback = keepGoingCallback;
    //   ...and your function will be called periodically during an
    //   abortable network operation such as connect/disconnect;
    //   if it returns true the operation will continue else it
    //   will be aborted, allowing you immediate control.  If this
    //   field is set, timeoutSeconds will be ignored.
    // - "pUsername" and "pPassword": if you are required to set a
    //   user name and password to go with the APN value that you
    //   were given by your service provider, set them here.
    // - "authenticationMode": if you MUST give a user name and
    //   password and your cellular module does NOT support figuring
    //   out the authentication mode automatically (e.g. SARA-R4xx,
    //   LARA-R6 and LENA-R8 do not) then you must populate this field
    //   with the authentication mode that should be used, see
    //   #uCellNetAuthenticationMode_t in u_cell_net.h; there is no
    //   harm in populating this field even if the module _does_ support
    //   figuring out the authentication mode automatically but
    //   you ONLY NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT if you were given that user
    //   name and password with the APN (which is thankfully not usual).
    // - "pMccMnc": ONLY required if you wish to connect to a specific
    //   MCC/MNC rather than to the best available network; should point
    //   to the null-terminated string giving the MCC and MNC of the PLMN
    //   to use (for example "23410").
    // - "pUartPpp": ONLY REQUIRED if U_CFG_PPP_ENABLE is defined AND
    //   you wish to run a PPP interface to the cellular module over a
    //   DIFFERENT serial port to that which was specified in the device
    //   configuration passed to uDeviceOpen().  This is useful if you
    //   are using the USB interface of a cellular module, which does not
    //   support the CMUX protocol that multiplexes PPP with AT.

static const uNetworkType_t gNetType = U_NETWORK_TYPE_CELL;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

// Callback for unread message indications.
static void messageIndicationCallback(int32_t numUnread, void *pParam)
    bool *pMessagesAvailable = (bool *) pParam;

    // It is important to keep stack usage in this callback
    // to a minimum.  If you want to do more than set a flag
    // (e.g. you want to call into another ubxlib API) then send
    // an event to one of your own tasks, where you have allocated
    // sufficient stack, and do those things there.
    uPortLog("The broker says there are %d message(s) unread.\n", numUnread);
    *pMessagesAvailable = true;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

// The entry point, main(): before this is called the system
// clocks must have been started and the RTOS must be running;
// we are in task space.

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  uDeviceHandle_t devHandle = NULL;
  uMqttClientContext_t *pContext = NULL;
  uMqttClientConnection_t connection = U_MQTT_CLIENT_CONNECTION_DEFAULT;
  uSecurityTlsSettings_t tlsSettings = U_SECURITY_TLS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT;
  const char message[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
  char buffer[64];
  size_t bufferSize;
  volatile bool messagesAvailable = false;
  uTimeoutStart_t timeoutStart;
  int32_t returnCode;

  // Initialise the APIs we will need

  // Open the device
  returnCode = uDeviceOpen(&gDeviceCfg, &devHandle);
  uPortLog("Opened device with return code %d.\n", returnCode);

  if (returnCode == 0) {
      // Bring up the network interface
      uPortLog("Bringing up the network...\n");
      if (uNetworkInterfaceUp(devHandle, gNetType,
                              &gNetworkCfg) == 0) {

          // Do things using the network, for
          // example connect to an MQTT broker
          // and publish/subscribe to topics
          // as follows

          // Create an MQTT instance.  Here we
          // are using a non-secure MQTT connection
          // and hence the [D]TLS parameter is NULL.
          // If you have edited MY_BROKER_NAME above
          // to connect on the ":8883" secure port
          // then you must change the [D]TLS parameter
          // to be &tlsSettings, which will apply the
          // default [D]TLS security settings. You may
          // change the [D]TLS security settings
          // structure to, for instance, add certificate
          // checking: see the sockets TLS example for
          // how to do that.
          pContext = pUMqttClientOpen(devHandle, NULL);
          if (pContext != NULL) {
              // Set the URL for the connection; everything
              // else can be left at defaults for the
              // public ubxlib.com broker
              connection.pBrokerNameStr = MY_BROKER_NAME;

              // If you wish to use MQTT-SN instead of MQTT,
              // and your broker supports it, you would set:
              // connection.mqttSn = true;

              // If you wish to use the Thingstream
              // MQTT service, you would set the following
              // values in the uMqttClientConnection_t
              // structure instead:
              // pBrokerNameStr to "mqtt.thingstream.io"
              // pClientIdStr to the Thingstream Client ID of your thing, something like "device:521b5a33-2374-4547-8edc-50743c144509"
              // pUserNameStr to the Thingstream username of your thing, something like "WF592TTWUQ18512KLU6L"
              // pPasswordStr to the Thingstream password of your thing, something like "nsd8hsK/NSDFdgdblfmbQVXbx7jeZ/8vnsiltgty"

              // Connect to the MQTT broker
              uPortLog("Connecting to MQTT broker \"%s\"...\n", MY_BROKER_NAME);
              if (uMqttClientConnect(pContext, &connection) == 0) {

                  // Set up a callback to be called when the broker
                  // says there are new messages available
                                                (void *) &messagesAvailable);

                  // In order to create a unique topic name on the
                  // public server that we can publish and subscribe
                  // to in this example code, we make the topic name
                  // the serial number of the module
                  uSecurityGetSerialNumber(devHandle, topic);

                  // Subscribe to our topic on the broker
                  uPortLog("Subscribing to topic \"%s\"...\n", topic);
                  // If you were using MQTT-SN, you would call
                  // uMqttClientSnSubscribeNormalTopic() instead and
                  // capture the returned MQTT-SN topic name for use with
                  // uMqttClientSnPublish() a few lines below
                  // Note: >= in this case since the function
                  // returns the QOS of the subscription, which
                  // can be 0, 1 or 2.
                  // Note: we used to use U_MQTT_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE
                  // (2) here but AWS's MQTT broker does not support
                  // a QoS of 2, hence we switched to
                  // U_MQTT_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE (1).
                  if (uMqttClientSubscribe(pContext, topic,
                                            U_MQTT_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE) >= 0) {

                      // Publish our message to our topic on the
                      // MQTT broker
                      uPortLog("Publishing \"%s\" to topic \"%s\"...\n",
                                message, topic);
                      timeoutStart = uTimeoutStart();
                      // If you were using MQTT-SN, you would call
                      // uMqttClientSnPublish() instead and pass it
                      // the MQTT-SN topic name returned by
                      // uMqttClientSnSubscribeNormalTopic()
                      if (uMqttClientPublish(pContext, topic, message,
                                              sizeof(message) - 1,
                                              false) == 0) {

                          // Wait for us to be notified that our new
                          // message is available on the broker
                          while (!messagesAvailable &&
                                  !uTimeoutExpiredSeconds(timeoutStart, 10)) {

                          // Read the new message from the broker
                          while ((uMqttClientGetUnread(pContext) > 0) &&
                                  (returnCode == 0)) {
                              bufferSize = sizeof(buffer);
                              // If you were using MQTT-SN, you would call
                              // uMqttClientSnMessageRead() instead and, rather
                              // than passing it the buffer "topic", you
                              // would pass it a pointer to a variable of
                              // type uMqttSnTopicName_t
                              returnCode = uMqttClientMessageRead(pContext, topic,
                                                                  buffer, &bufferSize,
                              if (returnCode == 0) {
                                  uPortLog("New message in topic \"%s\" is %d"
                                            " character(s): \"%.*s\".\n", topic,
                                            bufferSize, bufferSize, buffer);
                      } else {
                          uPortLog("Unable to publish our message \"%s\"!\n",
                  } else {
                      uPortLog("Unable to subscribe to topic \"%s\"!\n", topic);

                  // Disconnect from the MQTT broker

              } else {
                  uPortLog("Unable to connect to MQTT broker \"%s\"!\n", MY_BROKER_NAME);
          } else {
              uPortLog("Unable to create MQTT instance!\n");

          // Note: since devHandle is a cellular
          // or wifi handle, any of the `cell` or `wifi`
          // API calls could be made here using it.

          // Shut down MQTT

          // When finished with the network layer
          uPortLog("Taking down network...\n");
          uNetworkInterfaceDown(devHandle, gNetType);
      } else {
          uPortLog("Unable to bring up the network!\n");

      // Close the device
      // Note: we don't power the device down here in order
      // to speed up testing; you may prefer to power it off
      // by setting the second parameter to true.
      uDeviceClose(devHandle, false);

  } else {
      uPortLog("Unable to bring up the device!\n");

  // Tidy up


  // Stop the compiler warning about tlsSettings being unused
  (void) tlsSettings;


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

More can be found here.

In order to minimize the confusion, the port\platform\platformio\arduino\app.ino file is used in our internal automated tests and the ubxlib_test.h file is created on runtime. This is just an empty file to satisfy testing requirements. (see here).

Hokoshi commented 1 month ago

Very thanks abubakar.

I could build your code.

However, I can't think of what my next step should be.

I'm trying to connect NORA-W3 to SONY's SPRESENSE, but SPRESENSE only has an Arduino environment, and ubxlib doesn't have an example of wifi Arduino. If Arduino support is going to disappear in the future, I might have to give up.


----- Original Message -----

From: "m-abubakar" @.***>

To: "u-blox/ubxlib" @.***>

Cc: "Hiroaki Okoshi" @.>; "Mention" @.>

Date: 2024/08/06 火 21:45

Subject: Re: [u-blox/ubxlib] In order to run the Arduino sample on platformio, ubxlib_test.h is included. Please distribute it. (Issue #270)

Hi @Hokoshi ,

Following up on my previous comment, we have discontinued support for the pure Arduino platform(BREAKING CHANGE FOR ARDUINO PLATFORM: removal. (#1170)). However, you can still build ubxlib for Arduino using PlatformIO.

To build ubxlib with PlatformIO, add this line to your platformio.ini file

lib_deps = https://github.com/u-blox/ubxlib

For detailed instructions, please see the documentation here.

Below is a an example code build for Arduino for MQTT with a cellular device.



// put function declarations here:

// Bring in the application settings

include "u_cfg_app_platform_specific.h"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------

// MQTT broker URL: there is no port number on the end of this URL, // and hence, conventionally, it does not include TLS security. You // may make a secure [D]TLS connection on broker.emqx.io instead // by editing this code to add [D]TLS security (see below) and // changing MY_BROKER_NAME to have ":8883" on the end.

define MY_BROKER_NAME "ubxlib.com"

// Cellular configuration. // Set U_CFG_TEST_CELL_MODULE_TYPE to your module type, // chosen from the values in cell/api/u_cell_module_type.h // just for an example we have selected the below one.


// Note that the pin numbers are those of the MCU: if you // are using an MCU inside a u-blox module the IO pin numbering // for the module is likely different to that of the MCU: check // the data sheet for the module to determine the mapping.

// DEVICE i.e. module/chip configuration: in this case a cellular // module connected via UART

static const uDeviceCfg_t gDeviceCfg = { .deviceType = U_DEVICE_TYPE_CELL, .deviceCfg = { .cfgCell = { .moduleType = U_CFG_TEST_CELL_MODULE_TYPE, .pSimPinCode = NULL, / SIM pin / .pinEnablePower = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_ENABLE_POWER, .pinPwrOn = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_PWR_ON, .pinVInt = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_VINT, .pinDtrPowerSaving = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_DTR }, }, .transportType = U_DEVICE_TRANSPORT_TYPE_UART, .transportCfg = { .cfgUart = { .uart = U_CFG_APP_CELL_UART, .baudRate = U_CELL_UART_BAUD_RATE, .pinTxd = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_TXD, // Use -1 if on Zephyr or Linux or Windows .pinRxd = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_RXD, // Use -1 if on Zephyr or Linux or Windows .pinCts = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_CTS, // Use -1 if on Zephyr .pinRts = U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_RTS, // Use -1 if on Zephyr .pPrefix = NULL }, }, };

// NETWORK configuration for cellular static const uNetworkCfgCell_t gNetworkCfg = { .type = U_NETWORK_TYPE_CELL, .pApn = NULL, / APN: NULL to accept default. If using a Thingstream SIM enter "tsiot" here / .timeoutSeconds = 240 / Connection timeout in seconds / // There are six additional fields here which we do NOT set, // we allow the compiler to set them to 0 and all will be fine. // The fields are: // // - "pKeepGoingCallback": you may set this field to a function // of the form "bool keepGoingCallback(uDeviceHandle_t devHandle)", // e.g.: // // .pKeepGoingCallback = keepGoingCallback; // // ...and your function will be called periodically during an // abortable network operation such as connect/disconnect; // if it returns true the operation will continue else it // will be aborted, allowing you immediate control. If this // field is set, timeoutSeconds will be ignored. // // - "pUsername" and "pPassword": if you are required to set a // user name and password to go with the APN value that you // were given by your service provider, set them here. // // - "authenticationMode": if you MUST give a user name and // password and your cellular module does NOT support figuring // out the authentication mode automatically (e.g. SARA-R4xx, // LARA-R6 and LENA-R8 do not) then you must populate this field // with the authentication mode that should be used, see // #uCellNetAuthenticationMode_t in u_cell_net.h; there is no // harm in populating this field even if the module does support // figuring out the authentication mode automatically but // you ONLY NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT if you were given that user // name and password with the APN (which is thankfully not usual). // // - "pMccMnc": ONLY required if you wish to connect to a specific // MCC/MNC rather than to the best available network; should point // to the null-terminated string giving the MCC and MNC of the PLMN // to use (for example "23410"). // // - "pUartPpp": ONLY REQUIRED if U_CFG_PPP_ENABLE is defined AND // you wish to run a PPP interface to the cellular module over a // DIFFERENT serial port to that which was specified in the device // configuration passed to uDeviceOpen(). This is useful if you // are using the USB interface of a cellular module, which does not // support the CMUX protocol that multiplexes PPP with AT. };

static const uNetworkType_t gNetType = U_NETWORK_TYPE_CELL;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------

// Callback for unread message indications. static void messageIndicationCallback(int32_t numUnread, void pParam) { bool pMessagesAvailable = (bool *) pParam;

// It is important to keep stack usage in this callback
// to a minimum.  If you want to do more than set a flag
// (e.g. you want to call into another ubxlib API) then send
// an event to one of your own tasks, where you have allocated
// sufficient stack, and do those things there.
uPortLog("The broker says there are %d message(s) unread.\n", numUnread);
*pMessagesAvailable = true;


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------

// The entry point, main(): before this is called the system // clocks must have been started and the RTOS must be running; // we are in task space.

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once:

uDeviceHandle_t devHandle = NULL; uMqttClientContext_t *pContext = NULL; uMqttClientConnection_t connection = U_MQTT_CLIENT_CONNECTION_DEFAULT; uSecurityTlsSettings_t tlsSettings = U_SECURITY_TLS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT; char topic[U_SECURITY_SERIAL_NUMBER_MAX_LENGTH_BYTES]; const char message[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; char buffer[64]; size_t bufferSize; volatile bool messagesAvailable = false; uTimeoutStart_t timeoutStart; int32_t returnCode;

// Initialise the APIs we will need uPortInit(); uDeviceInit();

// Open the device returnCode = uDeviceOpen(&gDeviceCfg, &devHandle); uPortLog("Opened device with return code %d.\n", returnCode);

if (returnCode == 0) { // Bring up the network interface uPortLog("Bringing up the network...\n"); if (uNetworkInterfaceUp(devHandle, gNetType, &gNetworkCfg) == 0) {

      // Do things using the network, for
      // example connect to an MQTT broker
      // and publish/subscribe to topics
      // as follows

      // Create an MQTT instance.  Here we
      // are using a non-secure MQTT connection
      // and hence the [D]TLS parameter is NULL.
      // If you have edited MY_BROKER_NAME above
      // to connect on the ":8883" secure port
      // then you must change the [D]TLS parameter
      // to be &tlsSettings, which will apply the
      // default [D]TLS security settings. You may
      // change the [D]TLS security settings
      // structure to, for instance, add certificate
      // checking: see the sockets TLS example for
      // how to do that.
      pContext = pUMqttClientOpen(devHandle, NULL);
      if (pContext != NULL) {
          // Set the URL for the connection; everything
          // else can be left at defaults for the
          // public ubxlib.com broker
          connection.pBrokerNameStr = MY_BROKER_NAME;

          // If you wish to use MQTT-SN instead of MQTT,
          // and your broker supports it, you would set:
          // connection.mqttSn = true;

          // If you wish to use the Thingstream
          // MQTT service, you would set the following
          // values in the uMqttClientConnection_t
          // structure instead:
          // pBrokerNameStr to "mqtt.thingstream.io"
          // pClientIdStr to the Thingstream Client ID of your thing, something like "device:521b5a33-2374-4547-8edc-50743c144509"
          // pUserNameStr to the Thingstream username of your thing, something like "WF592TTWUQ18512KLU6L"
          // pPasswordStr to the Thingstream password of your thing, something like "nsd8hsK/NSDFdgdblfmbQVXbx7jeZ/8vnsiltgty"

          // Connect to the MQTT broker
          uPortLog("Connecting to MQTT broker \"%s\"...\n", MY_BROKER_NAME);
          if (uMqttClientConnect(pContext, &connection) == 0) {

              // Set up a callback to be called when the broker
              // says there are new messages available
                                            (void *) &messagesAvailable);

              // In order to create a unique topic name on the
              // public server that we can publish and subscribe
              // to in this example code, we make the topic name
              // the serial number of the module
              uSecurityGetSerialNumber(devHandle, topic);

              // Subscribe to our topic on the broker
              uPortLog("Subscribing to topic \"%s\"...\n", topic);
              // If you were using MQTT-SN, you would call
              // uMqttClientSnSubscribeNormalTopic() instead and
              // capture the returned MQTT-SN topic name for use with
              // uMqttClientSnPublish() a few lines below
              // Note: >= in this case since the function
              // returns the QOS of the subscription, which
              // can be 0, 1 or 2.
              // Note: we used to use U_MQTT_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE
              // (2) here but AWS's MQTT broker does not support
              // a QoS of 2, hence we switched to
              // U_MQTT_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE (1).
              if (uMqttClientSubscribe(pContext, topic,
                                        U_MQTT_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE) >= 0) {

                  // Publish our message to our topic on the
                  // MQTT broker
                  uPortLog("Publishing \"%s\" to topic \"%s\"...\n",
                            message, topic);
                  timeoutStart = uTimeoutStart();
                  // If you were using MQTT-SN, you would call
                  // uMqttClientSnPublish() instead and pass it
                  // the MQTT-SN topic name returned by
                  // uMqttClientSnSubscribeNormalTopic()
                  if (uMqttClientPublish(pContext, topic, message,
                                          sizeof(message) - 1,
                                          false) == 0) {

                      // Wait for us to be notified that our new
                      // message is available on the broker
                      while (!messagesAvailable &&
                              !uTimeoutExpiredSeconds(timeoutStart, 10)) {

                      // Read the new message from the broker
                      while ((uMqttClientGetUnread(pContext) > 0) &&
                              (returnCode == 0)) {
                          bufferSize = sizeof(buffer);
                          // If you were using MQTT-SN, you would call
                          // uMqttClientSnMessageRead() instead and, rather
                          // than passing it the buffer "topic", you
                          // would pass it a pointer to a variable of
                          // type uMqttSnTopicName_t
                          returnCode = uMqttClientMessageRead(pContext, topic,
                                                              buffer, &bufferSize,
                          if (returnCode == 0) {
                              uPortLog("New message in topic \"%s\" is %d"
                                        " character(s): \"%.*s\".\n", topic,
                                        bufferSize, bufferSize, buffer);
                  } else {
                      uPortLog("Unable to publish our message \"%s\"!\n",
              } else {
                  uPortLog("Unable to subscribe to topic \"%s\"!\n", topic);

              // Disconnect from the MQTT broker

          } else {
              uPortLog("Unable to connect to MQTT broker \"%s\"!\n", MY_BROKER_NAME);
      } else {
          uPortLog("Unable to create MQTT instance!\n");

      // Note: since devHandle is a cellular
      // or wifi handle, any of the `cell` or `wifi`
      // API calls could be made here using it.

      // Shut down MQTT

      // When finished with the network layer
      uPortLog("Taking down network...\n");
      uNetworkInterfaceDown(devHandle, gNetType);
  } else {
      uPortLog("Unable to bring up the network!\n");

  // Close the device
  // Note: we don't power the device down here in order
  // to speed up testing; you may prefer to power it off
  // by setting the second parameter to true.
  uDeviceClose(devHandle, false);

} else { uPortLog("Unable to bring up the device!\n"); }

// Tidy up uDeviceDeinit(); uPortDeinit();


// Stop the compiler warning about tlsSettings being unused (void) tlsSettings;


void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: } More can be found here.

In order to minimize the confusion, the port\platform\platformio\arduino\app.ino file is used in our internal automated tests and the ubxlib_test.h file is created on runtime. This is just an empty file to satisfy testing requirements. (see here).

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m-abubakar commented 1 month ago

Apologies for not being more clear of what I meant earlier.

Support for the Arduino IDE has been phased out in favor of PlatformIO. This means that we’ll be using PlatformIO for all Arduino-related tasks, which, in my opinion, provides a better overall IDE experience.

For the Wi-Fi example, you might find that the sockets example could be helpful for your needs.

Information about the helpful examples ubxlib provides could be found on its README.md

You can also go through the README here to learn more about what ubxlib provides with respect to wifi.

Thank you.