ualbertalib / HydraNorth

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failed to convert pdf #332

Open pgwillia opened 9 years ago

pgwillia commented 9 years ago

'EDSE 327 Guest Lecture'


  Rendered vendor/ruby/2.1.0/gems/sufia-6.0.0/app/views/generic_files/jq_upload.json.jbuilder (3.6ms)
Completed 200 OK in 59996ms (Views: 8.1ms | ActiveRecord: 55.9ms)
  ^[[1m^[[36mCACHE (0.0ms)^[[0m ^[[1m^[[0m Service: 13416040
  ^[[1m^[[35mLoad LDP (9.6ms)^[[0m Service: 13416040
  ^[[1m^[[36mLoad LDP (538.7ms)^[[0m ^[[1m^[[0m Service: 13416040
GenericFilesController::create rescued RuntimeError
        to execute command "soffice --invisible --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir /tmp /tmp/content-120150525-1743-bpz2vz.pdf"Unable 
[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).
javaldx failed!
Warning: failed to read path from javaldx
leahvanderjagt commented 7 years ago

sfbetz commented 7 years ago

Requires resolution - this zip file not resolving in ERA.