At the moment there are two scripts for Unstructured. One is for the unstructured container of Docker to run (metadataProcess). The other is to setup docker: download the unstructured image, run the image, mount the necessary volumes as defined by user; and coordinate where the log and output files will be saved.
Main script handles setting up Docker and mounting user defined inputs. It will take a User's specified folder/directory and index it all. It will ask where to save log files it creates to, as well as where to save the jsonl file output file. It will need a specification as to where the IndalekoProject is on computer as well.
The MetadataProcess handles unstructured and provides detailed logging for what process it is starting, doing and completed. To make sure it doesn't
The Other stuff of ICloud indexer makes it so the time-stamps ar in Z-format to be in line with the rest of the Indaleko framework. Renamed the Ingester file to proper name.
At the moment there are two scripts for Unstructured. One is for the unstructured container of Docker to run (metadataProcess). The other is to setup docker: download the unstructured image, run the image, mount the necessary volumes as defined by user; and coordinate where the log and output files will be saved.
The Other stuff of ICloud indexer makes it so the time-stamps ar in Z-format to be in line with the rest of the Indaleko framework. Renamed the Ingester file to proper name.