uber-go / zap

Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
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EncoderConfig for custom Registered Encoders #829

Open SteelPhase opened 4 years ago

SteelPhase commented 4 years ago

I'm wondering if there would be any interest in making zapcore.EncoderConfig extendable so that custom Encoders could rely on it for additional configuration they may need. As far as I understand the code base, this shouldn't break anything.

The reason I'm asking is that I've built a custom encoder for zap for use in our development environment, but it has some additional configuration over the standard zapcore.EncoderConfig. There doesn't seem to be a great way to configure this custom encoder outside of what already exists for zapcore.EncoderConfig due to how RegisterEncoder works. Ideally it could be as simple as the following.

AdditionalConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"additionalConfig" yaml:"additionalConfig"`
rustysys-dev commented 4 years ago

I would potentially be interested in this!

That being said could you give an example of what functionality this might enable for others to understand your proposal better?

SteelPhase commented 4 years ago

Sure, I have an example, based off of the idea here. This is just a rough example of how i'd use it. Probably worth handling the !ok moments as actual errors. I have been messing with the console encoder so that results can be more human readable...

Like this

steelphase@macbook:demo$LOG_FORMAT="CONSOLE-PRETTIER" go run main.go demo-action
2020-05-18T09:34:08.870-0400    INFO    ec.er   demo/main.go:64 we did the thing
  "example-environment-bool": true,
  "example-cli-arg-bool": true
package zapext

import (


func init() {
    zap.RegisterEncoder("console-prettier", func(cfg zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {
        jsonConfig := cfg
        jsonConfig.TimeKey = ""
        jsonConfig.LevelKey = ""
        jsonConfig.NameKey = ""
        jsonConfig.CallerKey = ""
        jsonConfig.MessageKey = ""
        jsonConfig.StacktraceKey = ""

        consoleConfig := cfg
        consoleConfig.StacktraceKey = ""

        pce := prettyConsoleEncoder{
            EncoderConfig:  &cfg,
            Encoder:        zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(jsonConfig),
            consoleEncoder: zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(consoleConfig),

        if c, ok := cfg.AdditionalConfig["console-prettier"]; ok {
            if pcec, ok := c.(PrettyConsoleEncoderConfig); ok {
                pce.PrettyConsoleEncoderConfig = pcec

        return &pce, nil

type jsonDecorator func(dst *buffer.Buffer, src *buffer.Buffer)

// A PrettyConsoleEncoderConfig allows users to configure the additional encoders for prettyConsoleEncoder
type PrettyConsoleEncoderConfig struct {
    DecorateJSON jsonDecorator `json:"decorateJSON" yaml:"decorateJSON"`

type prettyConsoleEncoder struct {
    consoleEncoder zapcore.Encoder

func (pce *prettyConsoleEncoder) Clone() zapcore.Encoder {
    return &prettyConsoleEncoder{
        PrettyConsoleEncoderConfig: pce.PrettyConsoleEncoderConfig,
        EncoderConfig:              pce.EncoderConfig,
        Encoder:                    pce.Encoder.Clone(),
        consoleEncoder:             pce.consoleEncoder.Clone(),

func (pce *prettyConsoleEncoder) EncodeEntry(ent zapcore.Entry, fields []zapcore.Field) (*buffer.Buffer, error) {
    line, err := pce.consoleEncoder.EncodeEntry(ent, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return line, err

    jsonRawBuf, err := pce.Encoder.EncodeEntry(ent, fields)
    if err != nil {
        return line, err
    defer jsonRawBuf.Free()

    jsonBuf := bufferpool.Get()
    defer jsonBuf.Free()

    pce.DecorateJSON(jsonBuf, jsonRawBuf)


    // If there's no stacktrace key, honor that; this allows users to force
    // single-line output.
    if ent.Stack != "" && pce.StacktraceKey != "" {

    if pce.LineEnding != "" {
    } else {
    return line, err

Example of what setting of the zap.Config would look like.

func getConfig() zap.Config {
    jsonDecorator := &jsoncolor.Decorator{}

    config := zap.NewProductionConfig()
    config.Encoding = "console-prettier"
    config.EncoderConfig.TimeKey = "timestamp"
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel = encoders.EhnancedColorLevelEncoder(true, nil, nil)
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime = encoders.ISO8601ColorTimeEncoder(&decorate.Format{Foreground: colors.BrightCyan})
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeCaller = encoders.ShortColorCallerEncoder(&decorate.Format{Foreground: colors.Yellow})
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeName = encoders.FullColorNameEncoder(&decorate.Format{Foreground: colors.Green})

    if config.AdditionalConfig == nil {
        config.AdditionalConfig = map[string]interface{}{}

    config.AdditionalConfig["console-prettier"] = zapext.PrettyConsoleEncoderConfig{
        DecorateJSON : jsonDecorator.Decorate

    return config
prashantv commented 4 years ago

I think having a way to pass additional encoder-specific configuration makes sense, since we allow custom encoders to be registered.

EncoderConfig is currently intended to unmarshalled from JSON/YAML, so we should think about how to maintain that experience for most cases.

SteelPhase commented 4 years ago

So about that. I don't even think json marshalling functions today. I'm assuming EncoderConfig being marshallable as JSON is left over from a point when it would actually work. I'm pretty sure json can't marshal golang funcs, so LevelEncoder, TimeEncoder, DurationEncoder, CallerEncoder, and NameEncoder will cause errors like json: unsupported type: zapcore.LevelEncoder

prashantv commented 4 years ago

JSON marshalling doesn't work, but JSON unmarshalling should work -- it's useful to specify configurations in JSON/YAML, and use that to initialize a logger. Marshalling isn't quite as useful (it can be useful for introspection, but not as common as loading a config)

SteelPhase commented 4 years ago

I see that now. Though it seems not well implemented. It can't unmarshal custom encoders for any of those values, it just uses the switch default value instead.

sc0Vu commented 3 years ago

I got the same issue here. Want to formalize the log in console. After trace zap code, I was thinking how to replace the jsonEncoder to another. @SteelPhase did your solution work?

SteelPhase commented 3 years ago

yes, I use my custom json encoder quite a bit. My current solution is modified from what I posted.

sc0Vu commented 3 years ago

Cool! Seems zap only support json and I want the data looks like key=value.

So I forked zap and updated to this:

DEBUG config/logger.go:82 Got response: getblockpeak [139.315401ms] server=us1.prenet.diode.io:41046 

You can found here: https://github.com/diodechain/zap