Molecular Simulation - Equilibrium Configurations of Na₄Cl₄ Tetramers: This repository contains code and analysis for a computational physics homework assignment focused on simulating and determining the equilibrium configurations of Na₄Cl₄ clusters for tetramers (n=4).
Hi all,
Do we have to know the structure of tetramer configurations and search for the position of Na and Cl ion to be used for optimization. For different structure, what is the difference that we have to do to implement the code. Paper shows that the binding energy per ions for given configurations are different, so how we approach to get that value?
Hi all, Do we have to know the structure of tetramer configurations and search for the position of Na and Cl ion to be used for optimization. For different structure, what is the difference that we have to do to implement the code. Paper shows that the binding energy per ions for given configurations are different, so how we approach to get that value?