ucarno / ow-league-tokens

Bot that farms Overwatch League tokens by pretending you watch league streams
193 stars 24 forks source link

See commits for new changes #13

Closed Orafilynie closed 1 year ago

Orafilynie commented 1 year ago

-Full menu revamp -Updated build bacth to compile only an fully packaged.exe -Created dependencies installation script -Updated readme in case there are some problem that are related with dependencies

Orafilynie commented 1 year ago

Also i did another typo in the README.md, so if you merge the commits please change in README the line 66 to :

To fix this error, go to .scripts folder and execute the install dependencies.cmd file and test again.

ucarno commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks for your pull request. Unfotrunately there are some reasons why I can't merge it.

Orafilynie commented 1 year ago

No problem ill use it personnaly 😄