Hello, I am using the docker image simonguoziruiberkeley/gemmini_mlsys_22 v1.10 to run the chipyard framework in a container. Please, I have doubt when i simulate with Spike different onnx zoo models such as Caffenet and Googlenet, why do I obtain the same total cycles when i only change the DIM parameter in the gemmini configuration parameters? I have done the following steps:
-Change the DIM parameter in /chipyard/generators/gemmini/configs/GemminiCustomConfigs.scala.
-Build the changes with /chipyard/generators/gemmini/scripts/build-spike.sh
-Build files in onnxruntime and ort_test with /chipyard/generators/gemmini/scripts/build-onnx-inference.sh
-Run spike --extension=gemmini pk ort_test -m onnx-models_version1/caffenet-12.onnx -i images/cat.jpg -p caffe2 -x 1 -O 0 in /chipyard/generators/gemmini/software/onnxruntime-riscv/systolic_runner/imagenet_ru
nner, I tried also with caffenet-12-int8.onnx, caffenet-12-qdq.onnx, googlenet-12.onnx and googlenet-12-int8.onnx and I obtain the same total cycles with different values of DIM.
When I run the binary tests for mobilenet (which comes by default) with different value of DIM, I obtain different total cycles and it shows by convolution or multiplication layer.
I understand that when I run an inference with spike it takes the gemmini_params.h directly located in /chipyard/generators/gemmini/software/gemmini-rocc-tests/include, isn't it?
Hello, I am using the docker image simonguoziruiberkeley/gemmini_mlsys_22 v1.10 to run the chipyard framework in a container. Please, I have doubt when i simulate with Spike different onnx zoo models such as Caffenet and Googlenet, why do I obtain the same total cycles when i only change the DIM parameter in the gemmini configuration parameters? I have done the following steps: -Change the DIM parameter in /chipyard/generators/gemmini/configs/GemminiCustomConfigs.scala. -Build the changes with /chipyard/generators/gemmini/scripts/build-spike.sh -Build files in onnxruntime and ort_test with /chipyard/generators/gemmini/scripts/build-onnx-inference.sh -Run spike --extension=gemmini pk ort_test -m onnx-models_version1/caffenet-12.onnx -i images/cat.jpg -p caffe2 -x 1 -O 0 in /chipyard/generators/gemmini/software/onnxruntime-riscv/systolic_runner/imagenet_ru nner, I tried also with caffenet-12-int8.onnx, caffenet-12-qdq.onnx, googlenet-12.onnx and googlenet-12-int8.onnx and I obtain the same total cycles with different values of DIM. When I run the binary tests for mobilenet (which comes by default) with different value of DIM, I obtain different total cycles and it shows by convolution or multiplication layer. I understand that when I run an inference with spike it takes the gemmini_params.h directly located in /chipyard/generators/gemmini/software/gemmini-rocc-tests/include, isn't it?