uccross / skyhookdm-ceph-cls

Skyhook Data Management: Storage and management of tabular data in Ceph.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Add numeric/decimal types #20

Closed jlefevre closed 4 years ago

jlefevre commented 5 years ago

Numeric and Decimal types are structs in Postgres, and supported by other formats as well such as Arrow and Parquet, but not in Flatbuffers. Postgres has function for string to numeric types as well.

Skyhook can store these types as string, like we do for date type, such as here, that calls compare with 2 strings and the compare converts to date types. Or could convert first then use a custom compare for 2 structs.

We should add these 2 to SDT_TYPEs here.

jlefevre commented 4 years ago

Closing this since Arrow supports these data types natively, so while moving to Arrow we will not need to convert from string types to native types.