At least the first two stories from Epic #62 (any user can add their cell phone) must be completed first; i.e the ones that add cell phone to the entity, and add a backend route for updating the cell phone.
User Story
As a rider, admin, or driver
I can see a list of all drivers, along with their cell phone numbers
So that I can contact drivers as needed
The spreadsheet from Mike Fogelsanger from 05/17/23 showed tables of both riders and drivers with cell phone numbers.
It isn't yet clear who should have access to the cell phone numbers, but for now, let's assume that everyone that has been designated as a driver, rider, or admin can see all of the entries in the table.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] There is a /drivers/list page that shows a list of all drivers with their names, emails and where available, their cell phone numbers.
Implementation Todos
Each of these could be a separate issue/PR, or they could be combined. But keep in mind that separate smaller PRs usually accumulate more points are get reviewed and merged faster.
[ ] Add backend DriversController with a route /api/drivers/all that gets a list of all users that are drivers.
[ ] Add a navbar element for Driver List as a top level button (for now) that routes to a page /drivers, which could be a placeholder at first (i.e. a DriverListPage component.)
[ ] Create a DriverTable component (and storybook entry) to list drivers with name, email, cell phone
Depends on
At least the first two stories from Epic #62 (any user can add their cell phone) must be completed first; i.e the ones that add cell phone to the entity, and add a backend route for updating the cell phone.
User Story
The spreadsheet from Mike Fogelsanger from 05/17/23 showed tables of both riders and drivers with cell phone numbers.
It isn't yet clear who should have access to the cell phone numbers, but for now, let's assume that everyone that has been designated as a driver, rider, or admin can see all of the entries in the table.
Acceptance Criteria
page that shows a list of all drivers with their names, emails and where available, their cell phone numbers.Implementation Todos
Each of these could be a separate issue/PR, or they could be combined. But keep in mind that separate smaller PRs usually accumulate more points are get reviewed and merged faster.
that gets a list of all users that are drivers./drivers
, which could be a placeholder at first (i.e. a DriverListPage component.)