ucsb-cs156-w24 / team02-w24-4pm-1

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Instructions: https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/w24/lab/team02.html

| Table                       | Team Member  | Github Id         |
| `UCSBDiningCommonsMenuItem` | Tyler        |TianyiYang-Tyler   |
| `UCSBOrganization`          | Alex         |alexanderthomasucsb|
| `RecommendationRequest`     |  Arnav       | aarnavkumar       |
| `MenuItemReview`            | Anthony      | jinanthony        |
| `HelpRequest`               |  Likhit      | jtanggy           |
| `Articles`                  | Chris        | chrisriney4       |


Setup before running application

Before running the application for the first time, you need to do the steps documented in docs/oauth.md.

Otherwise, when you try to login for the first time, you will likely see an error such as:

Authorization Error; Error 401: invalid_client; The OAuth client was not found.

Getting Started on localhost

Then, the app should be available on http://localhost:8080

If it doesn't work at first, e.g. you have a blank page on http://localhost:8080, give it a minute and a few page refreshes. Sometimes it takes a moment for everything to settle in.

If you see the following on localhost, make sure that you also have the frontend code running in a separate window.

Failed to connect to the frontend server... On Dokku, be sure that PRODUCTION is defined.  On localhost, open a second terminal window, cd into frontend and type: npm install; npm start";

Getting Started on Dokku

See: /docs/dokku.md

Accessing swagger

To access the swagger API endpoints, use:

Or add /swagger-ui/index.html to the URL of your dokku deployment.

To run React Storybook

SQL Database access

On localhost:

On Dokku, follow instructions for Dokku databases: