To filter searches based on specific preferences, I could implement google search API to implement filters that google already has in its search engine. If the filter goes out of google search API, I may need to write my own code, or implement other API for that.
[x] Given that a developer is working on the file src/main/java/edu/ucsb/cs56/mapache_search/search/, when they uncomment the hard coded siteRestrict data, then they will see the search filter only display results from
[x] Given that a developer is working on the file src/main/java/edu/ucsb/cs56/mapache_search/search/, when they uncomment the hard coded dataRestrict data, then they will see the search filter only display results from the past 5 days.
[x] Given that a developer is working on #134 or #147, when they start to write the code to implement these features, they should be able to easily use the comments in this PR as a template.
To filter searches based on specific preferences, I could implement google search API to implement filters that google already has in its search engine. If the filter goes out of google search API, I may need to write my own code, or implement other API for that.