udacity / blockchain-nanodegree-issues

Issues for Udacity's Blockchain Nanodegree program
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Differing descriptions in Blockchain Data -> Lesson 1: Blockchain Data Overview -> 3. Blockchain vs Traditional Databases #155

Open liamseanbrady opened 5 years ago

liamseanbrady commented 5 years ago

The table that appears at 0:15 in the video under the 'Blockchain Characteristics' heading contains some different information from the table that appears on the page under the 'Traditional Database vs Blockchain' heading.

For example, the 'Authorization' row in the table from the video seems to be a 'Security' row in the table under the 'Traditional Database vs Blockchain' heading. In this same row, the value in the 'Blockchain' column is 'Distributed', whereas in the table on the page the value is 'Cryptography', and the values for the 'Traditional Database' column are also different between the two tables.

I'm not sure if the differences between the table are intentional (ignore me if they are!), but if they aren't it might be helpful to make sure both tables contain the same information.

Link to page: https://classroom.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd1309/parts/31b86083-85e4-43ae-b154-6905b461f2c1/modules/0af5bc78-b446-4b60-b9cd-8659536cd59f/lessons/808abc06-4959-499c-9c31-54be1838096f/concepts/669c93df-9d8d-4ede-acda-c63e192879cc#


jperera84 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, we are going to work on this