Open sananth12 opened 7 years ago
The turn sensitivity seems to be none-existant, in the sense that you are either turning full-left or full-right. there is only a small time delay taken to go from stright to full-eft or full-right. This means it is impossible to hold a steering angle of e.g. 10 degrees. I have tried configuring an Xbox controller to be less sensitive, but I think it comes down to the Unity code. This behaviour unfortunately leads to some unrealistic data when recording, as there are so many timesteps with 0-angle. I tried a few ways of controlling the car to improve this. E.g. 'short_method' tapping left really fast, many discrete times, instead of holding left a few times: 'long_method'. You can see here that I get a lot more timesteps with turning angles being non-zero:
The short method (furiously tapping left/right) ends up with about 30% more data points including a steering angle. Additionally, the car drives in a more harmonious manner, i.e. it looks more realistic - it is just a pain to drive that way :wink:
Within the code of the simulator, the steering angle there is clamped between (-1, 1), but I don't know how to implement a way to apply a steady angle that isn't pushed to either -1 or 1. I was looking in the file CarController.cs
and trying to follow the variables like: m_SteerAngle = steering * m_MaximumSteerAngle;
(line 228).
I found a thread where someone was trying to do something along the same lines in a different project: answers.unity3d
Is it possible to include options in the UI to control acceleration/braking/turn sensitivity?