Click at the end of annotation text.
Delete annotation text letter by letter with backspace - but do not delete last letter.
Now delete last letter, and you should see, that not only letter is removed,
this remove also the annotation itself.
Now do the same with paragraph, to see the difference.
note 1: same happen, if you use del instead backspace
note 2: if you select complete annotation text, and hit backspace, this do not remove annotation - this is correct
What’s the bug you are facing?
I extend paragraph to add custom annotation.
Input behavior is different to normal paragraph.
How can we reproduce the bug on our side?
Open CodeSandbox
Click at the end of annotation text. Delete annotation text letter by letter with backspace - but do not delete last letter. Now delete last letter, and you should see, that not only letter is removed, this remove also the annotation itself.
Now do the same with paragraph, to see the difference.
note 1: same happen, if you use del instead backspace
note 2: if you select complete annotation text, and hit backspace, this do not remove annotation - this is correct
Can you provide a CodeSandbox?
What did you expect to happen?
Should not reomove annotation
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