ueman / feedback

A simple widget for getting better feedback.
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Exception is not getting in try catch block #289

Closed ilyasarafath closed 3 months ago

ilyasarafath commented 3 months ago





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Android, iOS


Am using feedbacksentry package to capture user feed and send to Sentry, The internal exception is not caught in the catch block ` try { BetterFeedback.of(context).showAndUploadToSentry( name: "Test", email: AppConstants.supportMail, ); } catch () { //exception not catching here }`

Steps to reproduce

  1. Without initialising the sentry try call "showAndUploadToSentry" method 2.This time internal exception will trigger, but not getting exception in "catch" block

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ueman commented 3 months ago

This kind of try catch will never work due to how this code and Flutter fundamentally works. So unfortunately I can't do anything

ilyasarafath commented 3 months ago

Is it possible return "true" or "false" from this function "showAndUploadToSentry" based on the result?

ueman commented 3 months ago

For any customization beyond the default API you have to go custom. Then you can catch exceptions, know the result and so on.