uglyDwarf / linuxtrack

Headtracking for Linux/Mac
MIT License
155 stars 30 forks source link

I'm at a loss, can anyone help #206

Open Dunravin opened 3 months ago

Dunravin commented 3 months ago


I am an Arch newbie, I have a TrackIR 5 device I have been attempting to get working on linux.

So far I've tried installing linuxtrack as per the instructions but I fail when I get to testing for dependencies as all the dependencies are old and I don't know how to deal with that at my current level or experience.

I have also tried to build linuxtrack from source from this repo and several of the forks but once again I'm getting very lost and have failed. I've also tried adding linuxtrack from the Aur repositories, there's two versions both out of date and neither work.

I was chatting with some guys on the LUG Star Citizen discord and one suggested Opentrack might be a solution. I can get Opentrack to install but from there I have no idea how to add the necessary things to access the TrackIR hardware as a source or get any output.

I make out from the linuxtrack info that something is needed from TrackIR which is extracted with Wine.

So I guess the main question is persevere with linuxtrack which I know will address the hardware or go the opentrack route which is an unknown as to whether it will accept TrackIR 5 camera input.

I am completely lost, if anyone would be willing to help me I'd be eternally grateful. Some hand holding may be rquired.

Many thanks D.

Peace-art-cloud commented 3 months ago

You're not the only one, pal. I am at my wit's end trying to figure this stuff out to get my TrackIR working. Nothing seems straight forward. I follow one instruction but then it don't work, I try another that works a bit but then don't. then there's no explanation on how to bridge a gap. I've sat here for hours trying to figure this out just to get my Track Ir 5 working. the instructions seem to have gaps, like trying to cross a bridge but then there is no bridge.

It feels like a test: If you're stupid no Linux for you and they just watch us to see how stupid we are. "Use that bridge, kid, yea I know you don't see a bridge, you gotta figure out how to build that bridge to get across. There's some wood over there."

Yes I am total noob too, and the issue is no doubt on our end, but experienced Linux users doesn't seem to understand it may not be obviously clear to us noobies.

Sorry, not meaning to insult anyone, just frustrated,

fwfa123 commented 9 hours ago

Compiled from several threads on the issue are the steps I took to get it running on my distro. All the highlighted code below is to be copied and entered into your own linux terminal

mkdir -p $HOME/Code

cd $HOME/Code/

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

cat /etc/os-release Make a note of your distribution name: Look for the line with either UBUNTU_CODENAME or VERSION_CODENAME. If both are present, use the name after UBUNTU_CODENAME. *****info for the above if you need to know

sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key

My distro is MX Linux 23.3 = Bookworm Debian 12 sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

sudo apt update

'sudo apt install --install-recommends -y winehq-devel wine-devel-dev git checkinstall build-essential automake bison gawk flex gcc-multilib g++-multilib gobjc gobjc++ libmxml-dev libssl-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libcwiid-dev libopencv-dev libv4l-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5webkit5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools nsis` *****For me in the list above the libopencv-dev was a deal killer but my distro already had some opencv libraries so I moved on as I believe it has to do with face tracking support and I would not be using that with my trackir. I also added qt6-dev and qt6-dev-tools to the list as some of the linuxtrack repositories are moving towards qt6 and I added it just in case.

Choose a repo to try...I ran through the list below until I hit the fourth one in my list and it worked git clone Failed git clone Failed git clone Failed git clone

cd linuxtrack/

**DEPENDING on which linuxtrack repo you choose you may need to add the following modify the file ltr_srv_master.cpp and adding #include as first line. The file is located in the $Home/Code/linuxtrack/src/ folder if you used the steps above **Once modified or confirmed continue with the below





./configure --prefix=$HOME/linuxtrack --with-wine-libs=-L/opt/wine-devel/bin

make -j

sudo make install

sudo cp $HOME/linuxtrack/share/linuxtrack/99-TIR.rules /lib/udev/rules.d


Plug in your Trackir device and enter this in your terminal $HOME/linuxtrack/bin/ltr_gui If you have your device plugged in it should say it found device # and launch the gui

immakyle commented 6 hours ago

How are you able to have games recognize the head tracking? On steam (through proton), or otherwise? I've only had luck with the built-in X-plane plugin.