uibcdf / BiFrEE

First steps of an open library to estimate binding free energies with the MM/GBSA approach and OpenMM.
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link

License: MIT


BiFrEE -Binding Free Energy Estimator- is an open library to estimate binding free energies of proteins complexes with the MM/GBSA method.

Make a wish

We wish we can in the future implement MM/PBSA and many other approaches to estimate the binding free energy between two or more molecules, any kind.


This project is under an MIT License. A copy of the license text is included in this repository.


Copyright (c) 2022 The Mexico Children's Hospital Federico Gómez, its Unit of Research on Computational Biology and Drug Design, and authors.


Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.5.


A complete list of contributors can be found checking the insights section of this repository.

The main project authors and major contributors are: