Closed brgndyy closed 1 year ago
Hello, I am currently creating a custom theme. "``` typescript" I also want to add a different color to the part where I enter the backtick. What is this part called? Currently, specifying quote, comment or other tags does not apply.
const myTheme = createTheme({ theme: "dark", settings: { background: "#171717", foreground: "#ffffff", caret: "#8a7878", selection: "#212121", selectionMatch: "#212121", lineHighlight: "#8a91991a", gutterBackground: "#9e7575", gutterForeground: "#8a919966", }, styles: [ { tag: t.comment, color: "#5c6370;" }, { tag: t.variableName, color: "#0080ff" }, { tag: [t.string, t.special(t.brace)], color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.number, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.bool, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.null, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.keyword, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.operator, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.className, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.definition(t.typeName), color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.typeName, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.angleBracket, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.tagName, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.attributeName, color: "#5c6166" }, { tag: t.heading1, fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: "2.5rem" }, { tag: t.heading2, fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: "2rem" }, { tag: t.heading3, fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: "1.17em" }, { tag: t.heading4, fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: "1em" }, { tag: t.heading5, fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: ".83em" }, { tag: t.heading6, fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: ".67em" }, { tag: t.strong, fontWeight: "bold" }, { tag: t.typeName, color: "#5c6370" }, { tag: t.quote, color: "#5c6370" }, { tag: t.blockComment, color: "#5c6370" }, { tag: t.bracket, color: "#5c6370" }, ], });
Hello, I am currently creating a custom theme. "``` typescript" I also want to add a different color to the part where I enter the backtick. What is this part called? Currently, specifying quote, comment or other tags does not apply.