uleroboticsgroup / yasmin

YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
GNU General Public License v3.0
130 stars 25 forks source link
cpp python ros2 ros2-foxy ros2-humble ros2-jazzy state-machine

YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)

YASMIN is a project focused on implementing robot behaviors using Finite State Machines (FSM). It is available for ROS 2, Python and C++.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Demos
  4. YASMIN Viewer
  5. Citations



# clone
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/uleroboticsgroup/yasmin.git

# dependencies
$ cd ~/ros2_ws
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ cd src/yasmin
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# colcon
$ cd ~/ros2_ws
$ colcon build

Docker Setup

If your operating system doesn't support ROS 2 humble, docker is a great alternative.

First of all, you have to build the project and create an image like so:

## Assuming you are in the correct project directory
$ docker build -t yasmin .

To use a shortcut, you may use the following command:

## Assuming you are in the correct project directory
$ make docker_build

After the image is created, copy and paste the following command to the terminal to run the image:

## Assuming you are in the correct project directory
$ docker run -it --net=host --ipc=host --privileged --env="DISPLAY"  --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --volume="${XAUTHORITY}:/root/.Xauthority"  --entrypoint /bin/bash yasmin

To use a shortcut, you may use following command:

$ make docker_run

Running the package at docker image

If you are in the docker image , this project is already sourced and the demo script can be run as the following command;

$ cd /root/ros2_ws/
$ ros2 run yasmin_demos yasmin_demo.py


There are some examples, for both Python and C++, that can be found in yasmin_demos.


Vanilla Demo (FSM)

$ ros2 run yasmin_demos yasmin_demo.py

Click to expand ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import time import rclpy from yasmin import State from yasmin import Blackboard from yasmin import StateMachine from yasmin_viewer import YasminViewerPub # define state Foo class FooState(State): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(["outcome1", "outcome2"]) self.counter = 0 def execute(self, blackboard: Blackboard) -> str: print("Executing state FOO") time.sleep(3) if self.counter < 3: self.counter += 1 blackboard.foo_str = f"Counter: {self.counter}" return "outcome1" else: return "outcome2" # define state Bar class BarState(State): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(outcomes=["outcome3"]) def execute(self, blackboard: Blackboard) -> str: print("Executing state BAR") time.sleep(3) print(blackboard.foo_str) return "outcome3" # main def main(): print("yasmin_demo") # init ROS 2 rclpy.init() # create a FSM sm = StateMachine(outcomes=["outcome4"]) # add states sm.add_state( "FOO", FooState(), transitions={ "outcome1": "BAR", "outcome2": "outcome4" } ) sm.add_state( "BAR", BarState(), transitions={ "outcome3": "FOO" } ) # pub FSM info YasminViewerPub("yasmin_demo", sm) # execute FSM outcome = sm() print(outcome) # shutdown ROS 2 rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```

Service Demo (FSM + ROS 2 Service Client)

$ ros2 run demo_nodes_py add_two_ints_server
$ ros2 run yasmin_demos service_client_demo.py
Click to expand ```python import rclpy from example_interfaces.srv import AddTwoInts from yasmin import CbState from yasmin import Blackboard from yasmin import StateMachine from yasmin_ros import ServiceState from yasmin_ros.basic_outcomes import SUCCEED, ABORT from yasmin_viewer import YasminViewerPub class AddTwoIntsState(ServiceState): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( AddTwoInts, # srv type "/add_two_ints", # service name self.create_request_handler, # cb to create the request ["outcome1"], # outcomes. Includes (SUCCEED, ABORT) self.response_handler # cb to process the response ) def create_request_handler(self, blackboard: Blackboard) -> AddTwoInts.Request: req = AddTwoInts.Request() req.a = blackboard.a req.b = blackboard.b return req def response_handler( self, blackboard: Blackboard, response: AddTwoInts.Response ) -> str: blackboard.sum = response.sum return "outcome1" def set_ints(blackboard: Blackboard) -> str: blackboard.a = 10 blackboard.b = 5 return SUCCEED def print_sum(blackboard: Blackboard) -> str: print(f"Sum: {blackboard.sum}") return SUCCEED # main def main(): print("yasmin_service_client_demo") # init ROS 2 rclpy.init() # create a FSM sm = StateMachine(outcomes=["outcome4"]) # add states sm.add_state( "SETTING_INTS", CbState([SUCCEED], set_ints), transitions={ SUCCEED: "ADD_TWO_INTS" } ) sm.add_state( "ADD_TWO_INTS", AddTwoIntsState(), transitions={ "outcome1": "PRINTING_SUM", SUCCEED: "outcome4", ABORT: "outcome4" } ) sm.add_state( "PRINTING_SUM", CbState([SUCCEED], print_sum), transitions={ SUCCEED: "outcome4" } ) # pub FSM info YasminViewerPub("YASMIN_SERVICE_CLIENT_DEMO", sm) # execute FSM outcome = sm() print(outcome) # shutdown ROS 2 rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```

Action Demo (FSM + ROS 2 Action)

$ ros2 run action_tutorials_cpp fibonacci_action_server
$ ros2 run yasmin_demos action_client_demo.py
Click to expand ```python import rclpy from action_tutorials_interfaces.action import Fibonacci from yasmin import CbState from yasmin import Blackboard from yasmin import StateMachine from yasmin_ros import ActionState from yasmin_ros.basic_outcomes import SUCCEED, ABORT, CANCEL from yasmin_viewer import YasminViewerPub class FibonacciState(ActionState): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( Fibonacci, # action type "/fibonacci", # action name self.create_goal_handler, # cb to create the goal None, # outcomes. Includes (SUCCEED, ABORT, CANCEL) self.response_handler, # cb to process the response self.print_feedback # cb to process the feedback ) def create_goal_handler(self, blackboard: Blackboard) -> Fibonacci.Goal: goal = Fibonacci.Goal() goal.order = blackboard.n return goal def response_handler( self, blackboard: Blackboard, response: Fibonacci.Result ) -> str: blackboard.fibo_res = response.sequence return SUCCEED def print_feedback( self, blackboard: Blackboard, feedback: Fibonacci.Feedback ) -> None: print(f"Received feedback: {list(feedback.partial_sequence)}") def print_result(blackboard: Blackboard) -> str: print(f"Result: {blackboard.fibo_res}") return SUCCEED # main def main(): print("yasmin_action_client_demo") # init ROS 2 rclpy.init() # create a FSM sm = StateMachine(outcomes=["outcome4"]) # add states sm.add_state( "CALLING_FIBONACCI", FibonacciState(), transitions={ SUCCEED: "PRINTING_RESULT", CANCEL: "outcome4", ABORT: "outcome4" } ) sm.add_state( "PRINTING_RESULT", CbState([SUCCEED], print_result), transitions={ SUCCEED: "outcome4" } ) # pub FSM info YasminViewerPub("YASMIN_ACTION_CLIENT_DEMO", sm) # create an initial blackoard blackboard = Blackboard() blackboard.n = 10 # execute FSM outcome = sm(blackboard) print(outcome) # shutdown ROS 2 rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```

Monitor Demo (FSM + ROS 2 Subscriber)

$ ros2 run yasmin_demos monitor_demo.py
Click to expand ```python import rclpy from rclpy.qos import qos_profile_sensor_data from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from yasmin import Blackboard from yasmin import StateMachine from yasmin_ros import MonitorState from yasmin_ros.basic_outcomes import CANCEL from yasmin_viewer import YasminViewerPub class PrintOdometryState(MonitorState): def __init__(self, times: int) -> None: super().__init__( Odometry, # msg type "odom", # topic name ["outcome1", "outcome2"], # outcomes self.monitor_handler, # monitor handler callback qos=qos_profile_sensor_data, # qos for the topic sbscription msg_queue=10, # queue of the monitor handler callback timeout=10 # timeout to wait for msgs in seconds # if not None, CANCEL outcome is added ) self.times = times def monitor_handler(self, blackboard: Blackboard, msg: Odometry) -> str: print(msg) self.times -= 1 if self.times <= 0: return "outcome2" return "outcome1" # main def main(): print("yasmin_monitor_demo") # init ROS 2 rclpy.init() # create a FSM sm = StateMachine(outcomes=["outcome4"]) # add states sm.add_state( "PRINTING_ODOM", PrintOdometryState(5), transitions={ "outcome1": "PRINTING_ODOM", "outcome2": "outcome4", CANCEL: "outcome4" } ) # pub FSM info YasminViewerPub("YASMIN_MONITOR_DEMO", sm) # execute FSM outcome = sm() print(outcome) # shutdown ROS 2 rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```

Nav2 Demo (Hierarchical FSM + ROS 2 Action)

$ ros2 run yasmin_demos nav_demo.py
Click to expand ```python import random import rclpy from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose from nav2_msgs.action import NavigateToPose from yasmin import CbState from yasmin import Blackboard from yasmin import StateMachine from yasmin_ros import ActionState from yasmin_ros.basic_outcomes import SUCCEED, ABORT, CANCEL from yasmin_viewer import YasminViewerPub HAS_NEXT = "has_next" END = "end" class Nav2State(ActionState): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( NavigateToPose, # action type "/navigate_to_pose", # action name self.create_goal_handler, # cb to create the goal None, # outcomes. Includes (SUCCEED, ABORT, CANCEL) None # cb to process the response ) def create_goal_handler(self, blackboard: Blackboard) -> NavigateToPose.Goal: goal = NavigateToPose.Goal() goal.pose.pose = blackboard.pose goal.pose.header.frame_id = "map" return goal def create_waypoints(blackboard: Blackboard) -> str: blackboard.waypoints = { "entrance": [1.25, 6.30, -0.78, 0.67], "bathroom": [4.89, 1.64, 0.0, 1.0], "livingroom": [1.55, 4.03, -0.69, 0.72], "kitchen": [3.79, 6.77, 0.99, 0.12], "bedroom": [7.50, 4.89, 0.76, 0.65], } return SUCCEED def take_random_waypoint(blackboard) -> str: blackboard.random_waypoints = random.sample( list(blackboard.waypoints.keys()), blackboard.waypoints_num) return SUCCEED def get_next_waypoint(blackboard: Blackboard) -> str: if not blackboard.random_waypoints: return END wp_name = blackboard.random_waypoints.pop(0) wp = blackboard.waypoints[wp_name] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = wp[0] pose.position.y = wp[1] pose.orientation.z = wp[2] pose.orientation.w = wp[3] blackboard.pose = pose blackboard.text = f"I have reached waypoint {wp_name}" return HAS_NEXT # main def main(): print("yasmin_nav2_demo") # init ROS 2 rclpy.init() # create state machines sm = StateMachine(outcomes=[SUCCEED, ABORT, CANCEL]) nav_sm = StateMachine(outcomes=[SUCCEED, ABORT, CANCEL]) # add states sm.add_state( "CREATING_WAYPOINTS", CbState([SUCCEED], create_waypoints), transitions={ SUCCEED: "TAKING_RANDOM_WAYPOINTS" } ) sm.add_state( "TAKING_RANDOM_WAYPOINTS", CbState([SUCCEED], take_random_waypoint), transitions={ SUCCEED: "NAVIGATING" } ) nav_sm.add_state( "GETTING_NEXT_WAYPOINT", CbState([END, HAS_NEXT], get_next_waypoint), transitions={ END: SUCCEED, HAS_NEXT: "NAVIGATING" } ) nav_sm.add_state( "NAVIGATING", Nav2State(), transitions={ SUCCEED: "GETTING_NEXT_WAYPOINT", CANCEL: CANCEL, ABORT: ABORT } ) sm.add_state( "NAVIGATING", nav_sm, transitions={ SUCCEED: SUCCEED, CANCEL: CANCEL, ABORT: ABORT } ) # pub FSM info YasminViewerPub("YASMIN_NAV_DEMO", sm) # execute FSM blackboard = Blackboard() blackboard.waypoints_num = 2 outcome = sm(blackboard) print(outcome) # shutdown ROS 2 rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```


Vanilla Demo

$ ros2 run yasmin_demos yasmin_demo
Click to expand ```cpp #include #include #include #include #include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp" #include "yasmin/state.hpp" #include "yasmin/state_machine.hpp" #include "yasmin_viewer/yasmin_viewer_pub.hpp" // define state Foo class FooState : public yasmin::State { public: int counter; FooState() : yasmin::State({"outcome1", "outcome2"}) { this->counter = 0; }; std::string execute(std::shared_ptr blackboard) { std::cout << "Executing state FOO\n"; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(3)); if (this->counter < 3) { this->counter += 1; blackboard->set("foo_str", "Counter: " + std::to_string(this->counter)); return "outcome1"; } else { return "outcome2"; } } std::string to_string() { return "FooState"; } }; // define state Bar class BarState : public yasmin::State { public: BarState() : yasmin::State({"outcome3"}){}; std::string execute(std::shared_ptr blackboard) { std::cout << "Executing state BAR\n"; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(3)); std::cout << blackboard->get("foo_str") << "\n"; return "outcome3"; } std::string to_string() { return "BarState"; } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::cout << "yasmin_demo\n"; rclcpp::init(argc, argv); // create a state machine auto sm = std::make_shared( yasmin::StateMachine({"outcome4"})); // add states sm->add_state("FOO", std::make_shared(), {{"outcome1", "BAR"}, {"outcome2", "outcome4"}}); sm->add_state("BAR", std::make_shared(), {{"outcome3", "FOO"}}); // pub yasmin_viewer::YasminViewerPub yasmin_pub("YASMIN_ACTION_CLIENT_DEMO", sm); // execute std::string outcome = (*sm.get())(); std::cout << outcome << "\n"; rclcpp::shutdown(); return 0; } ```

Service Demo (FSM + ROS 2 Service Client)

$ ros2 run demo_nodes_py add_two_ints_server
$ ros2 run yasmin_demos service_client_demo
Click to expand ```cpp #include #include #include #include "example_interfaces/srv/add_two_ints.hpp" #include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp" #include "yasmin/cb_state.hpp" #include "yasmin/state_machine.hpp" #include "yasmin_ros/basic_outcomes.hpp" #include "yasmin_ros/service_state.hpp" #include "yasmin_viewer/yasmin_viewer_pub.hpp" using std::placeholders::_1; using std::placeholders::_2; std::string set_ints(std::shared_ptr blackboard) { blackboard->set("a", 10); blackboard->set("b", 5); return yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED; } std::string print_sum(std::shared_ptr blackboard) { fprintf(stderr, "Sum: %d\n", blackboard->get("sum")); return yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED; } class AddTwoIntsState : public yasmin_ros::ServiceState { public: AddTwoIntsState() : yasmin_ros::ServiceState // msg ( // node "/add_two_ints", // srv name std::bind(&AddTwoIntsState::create_request_handler, this, _1), {"outcome1"}, std::bind(&AddTwoIntsState::response_handler, this, _1, _2)){}; example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts::Request::SharedPtr create_request_handler( std::shared_ptr blackboard) { auto request = std::make_shared(); request->a = blackboard->get("a"); request->b = blackboard->get("b"); return request; } std::string response_handler( std::shared_ptr blackboard, example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts::Response::SharedPtr response) { blackboard->set("sum", response->sum); return "outcome1"; } std::string to_string() { return "AddTwoIntsState"; } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::cout << "yasmin_service_client_demo\n"; rclcpp::init(argc, argv); // create a state machine auto sm = std::make_shared( yasmin::StateMachine({"outcome4"})); // add states sm->add_state("SETTING_INTS", std::make_shared(yasmin::CbState( {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED}, set_ints)), {{yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED, "ADD_TWO_INTS"}}); sm->add_state("ADD_TWO_INTS", std::make_shared(), {{"outcome1", "PRINTING_SUM"}, {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED, "outcome4"}, {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::ABORT, "outcome4"}}); sm->add_state("PRINTING_SUM", std::make_shared(yasmin::CbState( {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED}, print_sum)), {{yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED, "outcome4"}}); // pub yasmin_viewer::YasminViewerPub yasmin_pub("YASMIN_ACTION_CLIENT_DEMO", sm); // execute std::string outcome = (*sm.get())(); std::cout << outcome << "\n"; rclcpp::shutdown(); return 0; } ```

Action Demo (FSM + ROS 2 Action)

$ ros2 run action_tutorials_cpp fibonacci_action_server
$ ros2 run yasmin_demos action_client_demo
Click to expand ```cpp #include #include #include #include "action_tutorials_interfaces/action/fibonacci.hpp" #include "yasmin/cb_state.hpp" #include "yasmin/state_machine.hpp" #include "yasmin_ros/action_state.hpp" #include "yasmin_ros/basic_outcomes.hpp" #include "yasmin_ros/yasmin_node.hpp" #include "yasmin_viewer/yasmin_viewer_pub.hpp" using std::placeholders::_1; using std::placeholders::_2; using Fibonacci = action_tutorials_interfaces::action::Fibonacci; std::string print_result(std::shared_ptr blackboard) { auto fibo_res = blackboard->get>("sum"); fprintf(stderr, "Result received:"); for (auto ele : fibo_res) { fprintf(stderr, " %d,", ele); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED; } class FibonacciState : public yasmin_ros::ActionState { public: FibonacciState() : yasmin_ros::ActionState( "/fibonacci", // action name // # cb to create the goal std::bind(&FibonacciState::create_goal_handler, this, _1), // # cb to process the response std::bind(&FibonacciState::response_handler, this, _1, _2), // cb to process the feedback std::bind(&FibonacciState::print_feedback, this, _1, _2)){}; Fibonacci::Goal create_goal_handler( std::shared_ptr blackboard) { auto goal = Fibonacci::Goal(); goal.order = blackboard->get("n"); return goal; } std::string response_handler(std::shared_ptr blackboard, Fibonacci::Result::SharedPtr response) { blackboard->set>("sum", response->sequence); return yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED; } void print_feedback(std::shared_ptr blackboard, std::shared_ptr feedback) { (void)blackboard; std::stringstream ss; ss << "Next number in sequence received: "; for (auto number : feedback->partial_sequence) { ss << number << " "; } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ss.str().c_str()); } std::string to_string() { return "FibonacciState"; } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::cout << "yasmin_action_client_demo\n"; rclcpp::init(argc, argv); // create a state machine auto sm = std::make_shared( yasmin::StateMachine({"outcome4"})); // add states sm->add_state("CALLING_FIBONACCI", std::make_shared(), {{yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED, "PRINTING_RESULT"}, {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::CANCEL, "outcome4"}, {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::ABORT, "outcome4"}}); sm->add_state("PRINTING_RESULT", std::make_shared(yasmin::CbState( {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED}, print_result)), {{yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::SUCCEED, "outcome4"}}); // pub yasmin_viewer::YasminViewerPub yasmin_pub("YASMIN_ACTION_CLIENT_DEMO", sm); // create an initial blackboard std::shared_ptr blackboard = std::make_shared(); blackboard->set("n", 10); // execute std::string outcome = (*sm.get())(blackboard); std::cout << outcome << "\n"; rclcpp::shutdown(); return 0; } ```

Monitor Demo (FSM + ROS 2 Subscriber)

$ ros2 run yasmin_demos monitor_demo
Click to expand ```cpp #include #include #include #include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp" #include "nav_msgs/msg/odometry.hpp" #include "yasmin/state_machine.hpp" #include "yasmin_ros/basic_outcomes.hpp" #include "yasmin_ros/monitor_state.hpp" #include "yasmin_viewer/yasmin_viewer_pub.hpp" using std::placeholders::_1; using std::placeholders::_2; class PrintOdometryState : public yasmin_ros::MonitorState { public: int times; PrintOdometryState(int times) : yasmin_ros::MonitorState // msg type ("odom", // topic name {"outcome1", "outcome2"}, // outcomes std::bind(&PrintOdometryState::monitor_handler, this, _1, _2), // monitor handler callback 10, // qos for the topic sbscription 10, // queue of the monitor handler callback 10 // timeout to wait for msgs in seconds // if >0, CANCEL outcome is added ) { this->times = times; }; std::string monitor_handler(std::shared_ptr blackboard, std::shared_ptr msg) { (void)blackboard; std::cout << "x: " << msg->pose.pose.position.x << "\n"; std::cout << "y: " << msg->pose.pose.position.y << "\n"; std::cout << "z: " << msg->pose.pose.position.z << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; this->times--; if (this->times <= 0) { return "outcome2"; } return "outcome1"; } std::string to_string() { return "PrintOdometryState"; } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::cout << "yasmin_monitor_demo\n"; rclcpp::init(argc, argv); // create a state machine auto sm = std::make_shared( yasmin::StateMachine({"outcome4"})); // add states sm->add_state("PRINTING_ODOM", std::make_shared(5), {{"outcome1", "PRINTING_ODOM"}, {"outcome2", "outcome4"}, {yasmin_ros::basic_outcomes::CANCEL, "outcome4"}}); // pub yasmin_viewer::YasminViewerPub yasmin_pub("YASMIN_ACTION_CLIENT_DEMO", sm); // execute std::string outcome = (*sm.get())(); std::cout << outcome << "\n"; rclcpp::shutdown(); return 0; } ```


This viewer allows monitoring YASMIN's FSM. It is implemented with Flask and ReactJS. A filter is provided to show only one FSM.


$ ros2 run yasmin_viewer yasmin_viewer_node


Custom host and port

$ ros2 run yasmin_viewer yasmin_viewer_node --ros-args -p host:= -p port:=5032


author="Gonz{\'a}lez-Santamarta, Miguel {\'A}.
and Rodr{\'i}guez-Lera, Francisco J.
and Matell{\'a}n-Olivera, Vicente
and Fern{\'a}ndez-Llamas, Camino",
editor="Tardioli, Danilo
and Matell{\'a}n, Vicente
and Heredia, Guillermo
and Silva, Manuel F.
and Marques, Lino",
title="YASMIN: Yet Another State MachINe",
booktitle="ROBOT2022: Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
abstract="State machines are a common mechanism for defining behaviors in robots where each behavior is based on identifiable stages. There are several libraries available for easing the implementation of state machines in ROS 1, however, the community was focused on SMACH or SMACC. Although these tools are still predominant, there are fewer alternatives for ROS 2. Besides, Behavior Trees are spreading fast, but there is a niche for using State Machines. Here, YASMIN is presented as yet another library specifically designed for ROS 2 for easing the design of robotic behaviors using state machines. It is available in C++ and Python, and provides some default states to speed up the development, in addition to a web viewer for monitoring the execution of the system and helping in the debugging.",
  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2205.13284},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13284},
  author = {González-Santamarta, Miguel Ángel and Rodríguez-Lera, Francisco Javier and Llamas, Camino Fernández and Rico, Francisco Martín and Olivera, Vicente Matellán},
  keywords = {Robotics (cs.RO), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
  title = {YASMIN: Yet Another State MachINe library for ROS 2},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022},
  copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International}