ultravideo / Open3DGen

Open-Source software for reconstructing textured 3D models from RGB-D images
MIT License
120 stars 26 forks source link



Ubuntu 21.04 -based Linux distros should work. Tested on Pop-os 21.04.

Hardware Requirements

OpenGL 4.6 capable GPU, any decently modern GPU should do. With higher resolution textures (4k, 8k) 64Gb of RAM is recommended. This requiremenet will be fixed in a future release. Multicore CPU is recommended, as Open3DGen is highly parallelized.

Recommended RAM amounts:


The following dependencies can be found in the repositories:


and can be installed with the command

sudo apt install -y libboost1.71-all-dev && sudo apt install -y libopencv-dev && sudo apt install -y libopencv-contrib-dev && sudo apt install -y libopen3d-dev && sudo apt install -y libglfw3-dev && sudo apt install -y libglew-dev && sudo apt install -y libopengl-dev

Installing GTSAM requires building from source: https://github.com/borglab/gtsam.

Make sure clang is also installed. Clang12 was used on the development platform.


At this point building the project should be as simple as running ./build.sh.

Notes for Developers

If LanguageServerProtocol is used for code analysis and autocompletion, compile_commands can be generated with

cd build
cd ..
ln build/compile_commands.json .

A quick way to compile or compile and run is to use the shell scripts ./only_compile.sh and ./compile_and_run.sh. Make sure to modify compile_and_run.sh to use the correct command line arguments.

How to Use

Open3DGen requires at least 3 command line arguments to run:

in 'path to input rgbd sequence'
intr 'path to camera intrinsics'
out 'path to the output directory'

For example,

./build/Open3DGen in data_files/sequence intr data_files/realsense_intrinsic_1280.matrix out out/

The input RGBD sequence is expected to be separated into 2 folders: rgb/ and depth/. The RGB images should be named in the format of rgb_number.png (e.g. rgb_0.png) and the depth images should be in the format of depth_number.png (e.g. depth_0.png). The corresponding rgb and depth image must have the same number, and the numbers are expected to be in ascending order.

The camera_intrinsics.matrix -file contains the image dimensions and the calibrated camera intrinsics. The expected format is


For example, realsense_intrinsic_1280.matrix contains


Do not modify the values set in the texture projection shader, correct values are loaded automatically.

The visualization can be disabled by commenting the line #define DEBUG_VISUALIZE in the file src/constants.h.

Demo Scene

A demo RGB-D sequence is provided here. Extract the demo_rock folder into data_files/, and execute the following command.

./build/Open3DGen in data_files/demo_rock/ intr data_files/realsense_intrinsic_1280.matrix out data_files/out/ refine_cameras false reject_blur 1.1 crop false skip_stride 28 unwrap true pipeline full poisson_depth 7 simplify_voxel_size 0.075 out_res 4096 depth_far_clip 3.0 max_feature_count 750 assets_path data_files/

The resulting .obj, .mtl and textures will be in the folder data_files/out/. It is recommended the _dilated.png texture is used. Use e.g. Blender to visualize the results.

The RGB-D sequence is not particularly high quality and contains an unfortunate amount of blur. Better sequence will be provided when the weather so allows. The result should look like this demo_rock_out

Command Line Arguments

The supported command line arguments are as follows

Known issues and TODO


If you are using Open3DGen in your research, please refer to the following paper:
T. T. Niemirepo, M. Viitanen, and J. Vanne, “Open3DGen: Open-Source software for reconstructing textured 3D models from RGB-D images,” Accepted to ACM Multimedia Syst. Conf., Istanbul, Turkey, Sept.-Oct. 2021.