umar-ahmed / webgpu-pathtracer

✨ A simple pathtracer running in the browser using WebGPU
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Rewrite BVH generation to run faster/handle larger models #2

Open umar-ahmed opened 7 months ago

umar-ahmed commented 7 months ago


The current version of BVH construction is written in a ~150 lines of TypeScript code. This code works well for small models, but for larger models, the page hangs for a bit and becomes unresponsive.

There are a few options I've considered to move forward:

  1. Move the existing TypeScript code to a Web Worker: This would free up the main thread and not cause locking. It wouldn't really make the process go faster, but might avoid some crashes
  2. Rewrite the code in a more efficient language like C++ or Rust and compile to WASM: We can take advantage of compiler optimizations and eke out a bit more performance.
  3. Construct the BVH on the GPU: Using the approach described in this series of blog posts by NVIDIA: , we can construct a Linear BVH on the GPU using the concept of Morton codes to spatially sort the bounding boxes.

Existing Code

umar-ahmed commented 4 weeks ago