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[UMMZ Birds 170011] Amphispiza belli clementeae - Sage Sparrow UMMZ 170011 coordinates #14

Closed ccicero closed 8 years ago

ccicero commented 9 years ago

This record is plotting offshore, so the coordinates should be checked.


You can view the original detail page on VertNet. Here are the original record contents:

Term Value
InstitutionCode UMMZ
CollectionCode Birds
BasisOfRecord PreservedSpecimen
OccurrenceID urn:catalog:UMMZ:Birds:170011
CatalogNumber 170011
RecordedBy Green, J Elton
IndividualCount 1
Sex female
EstablishmentMeans native
OccurrenceStatus present
Preparations Skin, Y
EventDate 1931-02-22
StartDayOfYear 53
EndDayOfYear 53
Year 1931
Month 2
Day 22
HigherGeography North America;U.S.A.;California;Los Angeles;;;;
Continent North America
Country United States
CountryCode US
StateProvince California
County Los Angeles
Locality San Clemente Island, Channel Islands
VerbatimLocality North America; U.S.A.; California; Los Angeles; ; ;
VerbatimElevation 300
DecimalLatitude 33
DecimalLongitude -118.4166667
GeodeticDatum not recorded (forced WGS84)
GeoreferenceProtocol not recorded
GeoreferenceVerificationStatus requires verification
ScientificName Amphispiza belli clementeae
HigherClassification :::Passeriformes:Emberizidae:Amphispiza
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Emberizidae
Genus Amphispiza
SpecificEpithet belli
InfraspecificEpithet clementeae
TaxonRank subspecies
NomenclaturalCode ICZN