unerrored / Stocks_Predictor

A program made in Python which predicts future stocks depending on the dataset the user has give.
MIT License
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Stocks Predictor image (1)


Stocks Predictor is a program made in Python which predicts future stocks depending on the dataset the user has give such as .csv or .xlsx.

How to use

  1. First, you need to have the following programs installed:

Python (3.12 recommended)

Visual Studio Code or any other code editor

a PC (PyDroid does not work.)

  1. Install the following requirements in Python by typing the following command:
pip install pandas numpy matplotlib mplfinance scikit-learn opencv-python keras
  1. Download a .csv stocks file from Alpha Vantage or Yahoo Finance

  2. Start the main.py file and replace the csv_file to your choice of stock file.


Figure_1 BTC and EUR