unicodeveloper / atom-aurelia-snippets

:boom: :package: Atom package: Aurelia snippets using ES6 syntax
MIT License
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tab stops not working? #1

Open guidorice opened 8 years ago

guidorice commented 8 years ago

First off thanks so much for creating this snippets package! It's helping me learn Aurelia.

One thing I have noticed, is that in my ES6 project, the tab stops do not seem work. I was investigating this and noticed the way you have annotated the tabs stops is slightly different than shown here:


Also I noticed some of the javascript snippets use Typescript syntax. Maybe you could provide an option in the package config to select ESNext or Typescript syntax?

using: Atom 1.9.9

Let me know if you have any suggestions- I would be happy to fork, if that would be best way to proceed.


unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

Hi @guidorice I'm sorry you are experiencing this, but none of the javascript snippets use Typescript. I'll be happy if you can point me to anyone that looks like typescript

guidorice commented 8 years ago

Hi, are the tab stops working for you? Maybe it's just a problem with my setup- they have never worked at all, but just for these aurelia snippets.

re: the typescript, I thought that what I was seeing in some places was type definitions, for example:

"Aurelia: created(ov, mv) { ... }":
    prefix: "_cre"
    body: "created(owningView: View, myView: View) {\n\t${1}\n}${2}"

So : View is the type definition for TS, right?

unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

Oh, that's just Aurelia way of typehinting the parameters. It perfectly works for me and others that have tried it. What version of atom are you using?

guidorice commented 8 years ago

Ah- weird! I am using 1.9.9 on OS X. For example if I type _req [ENTER] it fills in <require from="${url}"></require> and the cursor is after the closing tag. Hitting tab just inserts tabs to the right of there.

unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

Enter or tab should work fine. So Enter works for you?

guidorice commented 8 years ago

No ENTER has the same result as if I hit TAB.

unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

Can you try this on another machine?

guidorice commented 8 years ago

Sure, here are steps I took to repro, this time on another machine (Linux Ubuntu 16.04)

Project Configuration
    Name: test-prj
    Platform: Web
    Transpiler: Babel
    CSS Processor: None
    Unit Test Runner: Karma
    Editor: Atom
guidorice commented 8 years ago

I also nuked my ~/.atom config, and started with vanilla settings, re-installed aurelia-snippets, and confirmed the same results again.

unicodeveloper commented 8 years ago

Is this still an issue?

guidorice commented 8 years ago

Yes, still does not work. I have not had time to debug it any more, beyond what I already posted.