unity-sds / unity-project-management

Container repo for project management (projects, epics, etc)
Apache License 2.0
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Initiators Work #173

Open mike-gangl opened 2 months ago

mike-gangl commented 2 months ago

Initiators Work

Initiate workflows based on some event driven architecture

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria required to implement the epic S3 Listener / Airflow Eval/Initiation” item can be deployed via Marketplace, using Management Console. TBD : Possibly deployed as two separate MP items (listener + initiator). iii) Modify an Evaluator lambdas to prove a change can be made. A minimum of 2 lambda evaluators should be exercised as part of this demo. iv) Run SRL Data: (1) Drop data files into S3 bucket (2) Show that SNS, SQS, & lambda(s) are properly invoked (3) Show that DAG(s) are invoked/running in Airflow (4) [OPTIONAL] Prove ingestion of EDR product can flow back to another evaluation that runs RDRgen

Work Tickets

Link to work tickets required to implement the epic


Other epics or outside tickets required for this to work

Associated Risks

links to risk issues associated with this epic

mike-gangl commented 1 week ago

Will demonstrate this in the 1st sprint of 24.3. This will need to be integrated into the SPS work at some point.