unitycoder / UnityLauncherPro

Unity Hub Alternative Project Launcher with time saving features!
MIT License
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create desktop shortcut for project #78

Closed unitycoder closed 2 years ago

unitycoder commented 2 years ago

from thread: https://forum.unity.com/threads/why-isnt-there-an-inbuilt-way-to-generate-a-desktop-launching-unity-project-shortcut.989498/

could be useful, if working in same project for a long time, or even more important, then your project(s) wont get lost after 40 recent projects clears it!


unitycoder commented 2 years ago

aha, not as easy as it seems: regular shortcut cannot have arguments https://stackoverflow.com/a/4897700/5452781 , other method requires IWshRuntimeLibrary https://stackoverflow.com/a/4909475/5452781

other options:

*works, but if you then delete shortcut alone, .bat file is left on your pc..

unitycoder commented 2 years ago

added initial version https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityLauncherPro/commit/d0d72ee951d7663fc1a06213671fb8729c1f6fca