Closed thomassimon closed 9 years ago
Here is how you do it:
<node name="sick_tim551_2050001" pkg="sick_tim" type="sick_tim551_2050001" respawn="false" output="screen">
<param name="frame_id" type="str" value="my_laser" />
Oh, and you can check that it's working by running rostopic echo /scan
and checking the frame_id
Indeed on the topic, it's the correct frame. But I have checked on the tf monitor and the tf tree. Also I use the launch file of the sick_tim551.
If it's wrong in the tf tree, it's on your side, check your URDF. The modifications to the launch file proposed by mintar are for the sick_tim551.
For the example, do I have to change it in the robot_description and the urdf linked to the package ?
If you use our urdf macro, change it like: <xacro:sick_tim310 name="my_laser" ros_topic="scan" />
, name is the tf name.
Hi, I think there is a missing param to change the defaut name of the laser frame. I have change the param in the launch file but there is no change.