upmc-enterprises / elasticsearch-operator

manages elasticsearch clusters
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Encrypted Volumes for Statefulsets #134

Open ethanwinograd opened 6 years ago

ethanwinograd commented 6 years ago

We are running on v0.0.7 of the operator.

Do you know where a change would need to be made so that the EBS volumes get created as encrypted volumes?

stevesloka commented 6 years ago

Volume encryption is based upon the storage class. The operator created classes should default to set the encrypted flag, but if you provide your own, you'd need to set the same.

ethanwinograd commented 6 years ago

so it would be in this file? https://github.com/upmc-enterprises/elasticsearch-operator/blob/v0.0.7/pkg/k8sutil/storage.go

stevesloka commented 6 years ago

Yeah should be in that file but I don't see it. May have found an issue with this. Let me spin up a new cluster and validate.

ethanwinograd commented 6 years ago

We were able to get encrypted volumes using the 0.07 version of the operator as follows.

  1. Create a storage class with encrypted=true called "es-storageclass"

    kind: StorageClass
    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1beta1
    name: es-storageclass
    provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
    type: gp2
    encrypted: "true"
  2. Edit the es-cluster.json with the following

    "storage": {
      "storage-class": "es-storageclass"

"zones": ["es-storageclass"],`

This had the desired effect of creating the statefulsets in the available zones for the account we were operating on