uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-regiupr

semester-project-regiupr created by GitHub Classroom
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Create and structure the document that will contain the UI context strings in different languages. #154

Closed cristianMarcial closed 2 weeks ago

cristianMarcial commented 3 weeks ago

Description: The structure of the document that stores the text to be displayed in the application interface (usually called UI content strings) will be created and organized. This text will be available in at least two languages ​​(preferably English and Spanish, although another language could also be included for testing purposes) and the document that contains it will be structured in such a way that the future parser that reads it knows which part of the text corresponds to each language.

Objective: Create a document divided into sections as described in the description. Each row of the text will be given in its first index an identifier that indicates the subsection of the module to which it belongs, and these rows will be grouped by the module to which they belong (e.g. Profile, Login, or if they do not belong to any, to General) as follows:


LANG, english
login (example), "Welcome to RegiUPR", "Username", "Student ID", [...]
module_2, "text", "text on English", [...]
module_3, "words", "text", [...]
LANG, spanish
login (example), "Bienvenido a RegiUPR", "Correo", "ID de estudiante", [...]
module_2, "texto", "texto en español", [...]
module_3, "palabras", "texto", [...]

Note: the content of this example does not have to be in what will be implemented; Only the structure will be copied unless another more efficient one emerges. It also should follow the csv identation/space format; the example don't follow it for visualization purposes.

Additionally, because parts of the UI are still being developed, the goal for this task will not be to have all the UI content strings created, but enough to be able to test the other functionalities that we will develop for this milestone.


Time Constrains & Deadline: In order to continue working with the rest of the MLS functionalities we must have this done as soon as possible. Therefore, the deadline must be days before the second sprint.

Difficulty: 3, Although it requires knowing how to correctly structure the document so that it is easy to parse, it is not that difficult because there is no testing.

Priority: 4, Although it is not necessary for the operation of this application, it is necessary to have this set as soon as possible in order to continue working with the rest of the MLS functionalities.

Suggested Assignees: @cristianMarcial, @ar-manskL

cristianMarcial commented 2 weeks ago

i previously had requested that the first two MLS issues be approved, but it seems that only the second one was reviewed. What was described in this task was necessary to be able to test the second one, so part of it has already been worked on. So I will wait for this task to be approved for definition.

cristianMarcial commented 2 weeks ago

Proof of completion: https://github.com/uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1/semester-project-regiupr/blob/M3_Muti-language_Support/src/resources/UI_content_strings.csv

final commit: https://github.com/uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1/semester-project-regiupr/commit/112145d321a50794b7d54a2de47c3deb979c9124