uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-regiupr

semester-project-regiupr created by GitHub Classroom
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Give the application the ability to save information about the selected language #184

Closed cristianMarcial closed 2 days ago

cristianMarcial commented 1 week ago


The application will be given the ability to memorize the selected language so that the screen modules know in which language they have to display.


As stated in task #179, the screen modules will be modified so that they can be in more than one language. However, there must be a way for the selected language to be saved, so that the screen modules know in which language to display their UI content strings. The objective of this task is to implement this functionality.

Also, there is a difference between the current language and the language selected by the user after creating their account. These two are stored as metadata in a file, but still, a variable will be created for this task that has the local language so that it can be read by the other modules.


Time Constrains & Deadline

Preferably not before November 22nd.


2; since it requires knowing how to manage the application directories and the functions of the "language" module, but it is not that hard since you are not editing all the modules.


5; this is essential for the Multi-Language Support functionality.

Suggested Asignees


Ar2691 commented 1 week ago

Difficulty decreased to 2.

Ar2691 commented 2 days ago

Remember to submit the work done.