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Wollok Programming Language
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Changes on the wiki page for v1.3 Confucius #583

Closed matifreyre closed 8 years ago

matifreyre commented 8 years ago

A list of minor changes I'd do to the Confucius version page.

  1. Change redaction at Check non-return method usage:
    • Change: "For some messages being sent Wollok can resolve them a particular methods. For the moment (without using the type system) those are:"
    • Change for: "In some cases, Wollok can detect that the corresponding method at a message sending does not return a value when it's expected to do it, according to the message sending context. For example, when the hypothetically returned value is assigned to a variable or is a part of another expression. For the moment (without using the type system), those are:"
  2. Change redaction at Warn for missing return on methods:
    • Change: "The checker now analyses the methods body and if they seems to be generating a value but the method is not returning it, it will raise a warning, since it is a common pitfall to forgot the return statement."
    • Change for: "It's a common pitfall to forget the return statement. The checker now analyses the methods' body and, if they seems to be generating a value but the method is not returning it, it will raise a warning**."
  3. Add comma at Quick-Fixes
    • In order to make it fun working in Wollok for more advanced developers, we have added new quick fixes for static checks, which should improve development experience and speed.
  4. Fix title Create method on Well-Known Object if it doesn't exist
  5. Change redaction at Exceptions
    • Change: "Exception handling has been improved a lot. Now there should only be a minimum scenarios where you will see a really long "java stack trace". Instead you should now see a wollok-stack-trace similar to the following screenshot (if not, please fill a bug ;)0"
    • Change for: Now there should only be a minimum number of scenarios where you will see a really long "java stack trace". Instead, you should now see a Wollok stack-trace similar to the following screenshot (if not, please report a bug ;) )
  6. Fix verb at Autocomplete for Messages to this and WKOs
    • ...In case you are sending a message to any other object besides this and a WKO, it will only show you the list of messages you already sent to that variable within the context...
  7. Add comma at Autocomplete based on reference initialisation
    • Currently, it only works on the most simple cases where the reference is assigned with a literal object or a call to a constructor.
  8. Change redaction at Autocomplete for imports:
    • Change: "Besides checks we also have now autocomplete for imports."
    • Change for: "Besides checks, we also have autocomplete for imports now."
  9. Change redaction at Add Export Session as Test
    • Change: "There's a new button on the REPL console which allow you to export the current session as a wollok test. It doesn't export the whole history (which is longer than the current session), just the lines you just wrote on this session."
    • Change for: "There's a new button on the REPL console, which allows you to export the current session as a wollok test. It doesn't export the whole history (which is longer than the current session), only the lines you just wrote on this session."
matifreyre commented 8 years ago

All the proposed changes have been added a month ago. I'm closing the issue. Open a new one if needed.