urban-displacement / displacement-typologies

The Urban Displacement Project's Displacement Typology Map code
GNU General Public License v3.0
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9/1 Feedback: race/income overlay #57

Closed annacd114 closed 4 years ago

annacd114 commented 4 years ago

Richmond: more Latinx moving in than Black, loss of Black households/turnover. So gentrification of sorts, but race/ethnicity-specific.

Consider showing racial change by specific groups on the map as a layer

From Anna C: I think something like the race x income change map as a layer would help with interpretation: 
 i.e. loss of low-income Black residents in a specific tract, as a layer

Questions about why race isn’t part of the methodology

EPA - this is also interesting there with higher-income Asian HHs moving in

Fernando echoing importance of showing race as an overlay in Berkeley/South Berkeley

Darris noting that El Cerrito looks about right, it hasn’t changed much in a long time

Will: same for East CoCo County, like Pittsburg/Bay Point/Antioch. People getting gentrified out to Stockton, but others are very much still moving in. Do these maps capture in-flow of various groups as well as out-flow? Would help show race-specific patterns in Fairfield, Vallejo, Stockton too. These are rare places in the region where Black HHs are moving.

Fernando - South Berkeley: Black community there facing intense gentrification pressures, those are a bit lost on the map. The Leconte & Elmwood student areas aren’t really being shown, but they are losing Black HHs too. Like the tract around telegraph & Ashby being Becoming Exclusive seems like it could be off.

annacd114 commented 4 years ago

closing for now since we already have an issue for this overlay, but note that the feedback related to this issue lives here and also in my notes