urbanyoung / Phasor

Phasor is a server extension for Halo PC which focuses on giving the end-user the ability to deeply customize gameplay. Phasor does this via its scripting system, which uses the Lua language. Scripters are able to react to and change many different aspects of the game.
MIT License
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OnPlayerLeave not called at the end of games #29

Closed twhitcomb closed 11 years ago

twhitcomb commented 11 years ago

Players technically leave at the end of games and rejoin for the next game; OnPlayerLeave has always been called at the end of games in Phasor scripts and is very useful.

urbanyoung commented 11 years ago

Are you sure? I don't see any differences between the old and new version with respect to players leaving.

twhitcomb commented 11 years ago

I must be delusional.. I guess I thought it was called because in the console, it still says "Player 0 left" etc at the end of games. Would it be bad to implement this?

urbanyoung commented 11 years ago

added in fb7e97433f118ffe2e8778bdfdc76ae7c0898ea6