A trinity job (509614) failed on 4 Nov with an error:
Error, cmd: seqtk-trinity seq -A -R 1 /data/part0/tmp/jobs/000/509/509614/working/input.fastqsanger >> single.fa died with ret 35584 at /usr/local/opt/trinity-2.9.1/util/insilico_read_normalization.pl line 793
I installed the new trinity version (toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/trinity/trinity/2.15.1+galaxy1) and it run sucessfully on a small dataset that failed with the same error on the old version.
The user was informed about this.
A trinity job (509614) failed on 4 Nov with an error:
I installed the new trinity version (toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/trinity/trinity/2.15.1+galaxy1) and it run sucessfully on a small dataset that failed with the same error on the old version. The user was informed about this.